Page 12 of Dad Bod Dreams

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Her smile widens when she glances up at me, and I feel myself grinning back. Listen, when sweet Clementine smiles, it’d take an arch villain not to respond in kind.

“You can cheat and use your fingers.” I jerk my head toward the nearest table, where a young couple are practically tongue-kissing over the wine bucket. “Don’t think anybody will notice.”

“Youwill. Don’t want you thinking less of me, Duke.”

“Impossible.” I mean for it to sound light and jokey, but it comes out so serious. Like I’m declaring my undying love.

Hell, maybe I am.

And I’m gonna miss this girl so much after graduation. I’ll miss Meg too, of course I will—more than if I sawed off my right hand. But in the dark, secret corners of my heart, part of me wonders if I’ll miss Clementine more.

It’s shitty, but I always knew Meg would do her own thing one day. Start her own life; go off on adventures. I knew eventually I’d see less of her, and I made my peace with that, because letting your kid grow up is part of the deal.

But Clem…

It’s completely insane, but I want to keep her. Forever.

Local ogre traps beautiful woman in his basement. Pitchforks needed.

“What are you frowning about?” Clem pops the cherry tomato in her mouth, chewing neatly.

“Nothing. Just thinking about a newspaper headline. Here, try this bread.”

We make it through dinner, somehow. Though when Clem moans with every bite of dessert, her eyelids fluttering, I nearly bend my spoon in half.

And after the meal, it’s a relief to find ourselves over by the rail on the top deck, tucked together in a patch of shadow. We listen to the music and watch the moonlight glint on the black water, the boat drifting parallel with the bank.

“Oh!” Clem’s arm brushes against mine when she points at two glowing gator eyes. We’re standing close together; closer than we need to.

Closer than we would in the light.

“Yeah. They’ve got us surrounded.” Her hair tickles my cheek as I duck down to murmur: “Hope they don’t like coconut shampoo.”

Her laugh hitches and she presses closer. “Or floral sundresses.”

“Oh, they definitely like those.”

My heart’s hammering so hard right now. Thumping against my rib cage, my pulse loud in my ears. I squeeze the rail tight, and I’m gonna leave fingerprint dents in the metal if I’m not careful.

But Clem really doesn’t mind this? Standing pressed together, mingling body heat, our clothes crinkling? For no other reason except that we feel like it?

If Meg were here…

Well, she’d probably boot me overboard. She’s super protective of Clementine, and I’ve always been glad about that. Doesn’t mean I’m okay with being the villain in this tale.

Clearing my throat, I move a few inches away. Clem exhales softly, but she lets me go, and her voice is sad when she says, “I won’t see you once Meg is gone, will I?”

So it’s on her mind too.

Christ. Look at the pair of us.

There’s so much unspoken between us—but that doesn’t mean we’re clueless. Because Clem watches me way more than is ordinary, and I…

I’m gone for her. I’m cooked.

“Probably not as much.” Not unless I can think of some good excuses to see her—and believe me, I’ve been wracking my brain, searching for pretty reasons we could give the outside world. What if she found a job in this city? Would it be weird if I spent time with her then?

I could never suggest that. It’s asking too much.
