Page 45 of Catatonic

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"I see you three have bonded while we were away." Savida waggled his eyebrows.

Zaide’s tone was deadpan. "Yes, lots of bonding. There is not much else to do in a cage."

"A cage? You've been caged somewhere?" He approached Zaide with concern written all over his face. "We assumed you were here."

"Did you?" Zaide remarked. His eyes were fixed on Daithi.

"Zaide—" I started.

"Let's sit down and explain what happened—" Charlie said at the same time.

Purple scars flashed with power. "Yes, let's explain that Clawdia died when her witch was killed by Mary. How I met my gods. How Charlie became Clawdia's new witch. How we were captured and caged for a week while the witches drained themselves of magic and then drained us. How there is currently a dragon flying around because Clawdia managed to save us," Zaide growled. "While you were rescuing demons, we almost died. Twice."

I didn't understand why he was so angry. I knew he had a lot of faith in Daithi to be there for us when we needed him, but he wasn't to know we were in danger. Even if he was in the apartment, relishing in having his lover back, we couldn't fault him for it. Especially since he was helping save creatures that had already suffered too much.

I placed my hand against his clenched fist. "Zaide—"

Savida interrupted, "We didn't know—" He blinked, processing the information.

"He did!" Zaide roared and pointed at Daithi.

We all looked toward Daithi, who swallowed and continued his stare off with Zaide. The only show of emotion was a slight crinkle in his brow.

"Love," Savida questioned slowly, "is he right?"

His lips pinched, but he shamelessly admitted, "Yes."

I gasped, and Zaide snatched my hand and squeezed. I rubbed my thumb over his wrist soothingly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Savida asked, hurt in his voice.

Daithi turned to face his lover, and his expression softened slightly, "I didn't want you to have to choose. You would have agonized—"

Savida interrupted, "I would have saved our friends first. There would have been no agony. Then we could have journeyed to find my kin."

"I didn't want you near them—" Daithi insisted.

"They assisted you in saving me—" Savida replied, sounding confused.

"Not them!" he shouted. "The witches! They almost took you from me before—"

Zaide shook his head and walked swiftly toward the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. My heart ached with his sadness, and I automatically followed him.

"I apologize if my presence has brought upset," Alcor said softly.

Charlie replied, "Don't worry about it, mate. It's not your fault. There's been a lot of shit going down with them over the past few weeks. Zaide meant it when he said he was genuinely glad you were rescued."

I closed the door to focus on my soul pair, still in his towel, sitting on the edge of the bed, his head in his hands.



"Iam a terrible person," I told her.

Clawdia leaned against the door. I felt her gaze brushing over me like silk, and the pull of our bond nagged at me to pull her closer, to touch her, kiss her, mate with her, and reaffirm our fragile gods-given bond.

But sorrow turned my stomach sour.
