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“I was planning on telling y’all next week, at Max’s birthday. I think you’re going to catch on before that, though.” She moved one of her hands down her stomach and into her panties. “When I beg for you in inappropriate places, at inappropriate times…”

Zander sat up. “Aggie?”

She grinned and moved to her knees in front of us. “Sit back and let me thank you properly.”

“Thank us?” Knight’s voice was rough as Aggie’s hands went to his pants.

“Mm-hmm.” She pulled him out of his pants and stroked him once, her red nails teasing him. “You three are very good at knocking me up. Top tier. Someone should give you an award.”

Zander shouted and dragged her into his lap. “You’re pregnant?”

She laughed and nodded. “Now put me back down. I’m working here.”

I snorted and grabbed her, pinning her with her back to my chest. “If you think you’re going to say something like that and not let us watch you come right away, you’re out of your damn mind.”

Zander knelt in front of us, pulled her thighs over his shoulders, and nodded at me. “Let’s see if our baby can come like a firehose yet.”

Knight settled next to us and gripped her face. “You haven’t learned yet, have you?”

Aggie was already writhing and moaning, even though she hadn’t been touched yet. “What?”

“You don’t need to thank us. It’s us who thank you. Over and over and over again. For giving us the world every single day, baby.” He kissed her hard and then pulled back. “Now pretend you listen to us for a little while and let us see how many times we can make you come before we get home.”

As Zander’s mouth settled over her sex, she cried out. “I love you guys so much.”

Little did Aggie know we’d already told our driver to take the long way home. By the time we got to our driveway, she was a puddle in my lap. Somehow, she still managed to find the strength to fuss, though.

“Tomorrow. Tomorrow, we sit down with my dad and I tell you all off for trying to shut me out. If my dad’s dating, I should be a part of it. He needs help and to make sure that no one takes advantage of him. What if someone saw him with Brenda and thought he’d be an easy target? Or what if they only want him for his body? I need to help him.”

Zander shook his head as he opened the door and took Aggie from my arms. He tossed her naked body over his shoulder, knowing there’d be no one around to see her. The driver knew not to get out. “I can’t imagine why Mark would want to keep it a secret from you, nutty.”

Knight crawled out of the car behind me, his face as blissed out as I felt. “Let her go. If she works herself up, I sacrifice myself to her mouth again.”

Aggie sighed and then went silent. The three of us stayed quiet, wondering what her next form of attack would be. We made it all the way to the bedroom.

Zander grunted. “I think she’s asleep.”

I helped him lay her out on our bed and smiled down at her beautiful face. “She tuckered herself out.”

Knight sat down next to her and brushed her hair out of her face. “Being crazy can do that.”

Aggie popped one eye open and glared at us. “Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I’m going to handle all of you.”

I laughed and crawled into bed next to her. “Whatever you say, baby.”

“I can do it. I’m a-” She yawned so wide her jaw popped. “badass.”
