Page 94 of Meet the Surrogate

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Wells wiped his face with his napkin. “Twins? We’re having twins?”

Remy patted his pockets. “I need to call Dr. Braddock. It’s riskier to have twins, right? There have to be things you shouldn’t be doing.”

I put my hands on my hips as the rest of the table laughed at how quickly my domineering husband could turn into a scared little rabbit. “Remy! I’m fine, you goof. Now, are y’all going to come celebrate me or do I need to find three new husbands who know when to freak out and when to hug their wife?”

Boone swept me into his arms first, hugging me and kissing me everywhere he could reach. “You’re not getting rid of you that easily, love.”

Wells pulled me to his chest and kissed me deep. “We have lots of celebrating to do. I promise. We’re going to celebrate you so many times you’re going to beg us to stop.”

Jackson gagged. “For the love of all things holy, not in front of the brothers!”

Remy picked me up by my ass and pressed his forehead to mine. “We can leave, right? We can just go? They can take the kids?”

Jake grunted. “We’ve got the kids.”

“You heard the man, Sir. Let’s get out of here.” I sucked at his earlobe and then bit it. “I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago. I was just too nervous to spill the beans.”

Remy growled. “You haven’t been a good girl, sweetheart. I think Wells could use a treatment after being in that auditorium.”

Before we could get out the door, Maggie’s sweet voice called out from the table. “Mommy is too a good girl! I heard Daddy tell her this morning!”

Laughter followed us outside the restaurant and when Nico opened the door for us to climb into the backseat of our car, I was bright red with embarrassment. “I told you the walls aren’t thick enough!”

Remy dragged me into his lap and started working my dress of me. “It’s not the walls that are the problem, sweetheart.”

Wells lifted my hips so I was kneeling in the seat and his first slap across my ass made me release a loud moan. His second made me scream out. And when he buried his face into me from behind, I was sure people we passed on the street thought someone was shooting a porn inside our car.

“Let’s talk about how to punish you for not telling us the moment you found out you were pregnant, M.” Remy cupped my jaw and fed me his thumb to suck. “Any ideas, Boone?”

“It’s been a little while since we recreated our night at Desire.” Boone moved closer. “Especially the part where we keep our sexy little wife on edge for hours and hours before letting her come.”

I grunted my disagreement, but Remy’s dark chuckle told me he liked Boone’s plan. I moaned and rocked back against Wells’ mouth, trying to reach my breaking point before they could stop me. They knew me too well, though. They knew everything about me and took care of every need I had, ones I didn’t even know I had.

“Sweetheart, I love you. Remember that when you’re screaming you hate me in a few hours because I won’t let you come yet. Remember it when we spank your perfect ass red and mark you all over. Remember it when you’re sure you can’t take anymore. I love you.” Remy stroked my hair out of my face and smiled down at me. “You know how to make it stop.”

I bared my teeth at him, already wild with desire. I nipped his thumb and watched as his hips jerked reflexively. “I love you, too.”

Boone tilted my head up to face him. “I love you, Memphis.”

Wells lifted his face and growled. “I fucking love you, Memphis King-Hawke.”

By the time the night ended, the sun was only a few minutes from coming up and we were all exhausted and used up. I wore their marks all over me, handprints and suck marks that they couldn’t help leaving when lost in their need. On top of Remy, with Boone and Wells at my sides, I was quickly fading when I thought of something.

“Did I ever tell y’all that your charity buddy’s wife invited me for a threesome? She was great besides thinking I’d ever want to go home with her husband.” I kept my eyes closed as I spoke, close to being asleep. “I ran into her yesterday. They have a three-year-old now. She asked me over for a playdate and I might’ve made a terrible joke about hoping this playdate would be less naked than the last one she’d invited me to.”

Boone laughed and gripped my ass. “I’m just ignoring the part about them propositioning you.”

Remy grunted in agreement. “How’d she take your joke?”

“I think you’ll be hearing from her husband. She was very displeased.” I sighed sleepily. “I didn’t know the rules of threesome club, I guess. Rule number one, there’s no talking about threesome club.”

“And you’re never going to know threesome club rules, baby.” Wells gripped my other ass cheek. “You only ever need to know the rules of our marriage and you made most of them, so I think you’re good.”

“I hope he does call. I’ll have a few choice words for him.” Remy kissed the top of my head. “Now go to sleep. We’re going to see Braddock in the morning.”

I groaned. “But it is the morning.”

“Better sleep while you can, then.”

“Fine.” I snuggled even closer. “I won’t be happy about it, though.”

“Bullshit.” Wells knew better.

“Fine. I’ll be happy, but I won’t tell you about it.”

Boone sighed. “Stubborn till the end, this one.”

Remy kissed me again. “Just the way I like her.”

