Page 19 of The Companion

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“I am,” Jonas’ eyes clouded over. “I only wish I could say I had been around to help him cultivate it. With work, I’m in New York, if I’m lucky, twelve days a month. Less when he was growing up.”

I squeezed his hand.

“He’s fifteen now, and, well… a handful. No longer easy. I regret that.” He turned his ring.

I glanced down at his hand then met his eyes. “Why do you wear your ring?”

He offered a weak smile. “Now you moved into a subject I don’t want to talk about.”

My head tilted down. “I’m sorry. It was none of my business.”

“I didn’t want the press to know my private life,” He gripped his knees. “And to be honest, it feels like I failed. I guess removing the ring makes that failure real.”

I placed my hand over his and added a light pressure. His earnest, raw confession touched me. I met his eyes and saw a sadness that I wanted to somehow chase away. But I had no idea if I could, so instead, I offered whatever assurance I could. I moved further still until I was against his chest. He wrapped his arms around me.

“I never said that to anyone, not even to Dani.” I could hear the surprise in his voice.

Gazing into his eyes I said, “It’s part of our conversation. I won’t tell anyone.”

Jonas leaned down and kissed me. His mouth moved over mine with smooth and firm expertise. As quick as it started, he broke the kiss, and searched my face as I panted in his arms.

Whatever he found had him seeking my lips again, this time with urgency. He swept his tongue inside my mouth and slid it against mine in a teasing caress that I felt down to my core. My breasts swelled as I pressed against him, my own desire and need seeking more from him. A moan rose from my throat, and he answered with his own as he held my face and continued our kiss.

The door chimed, and a voice called out, “Room Service.” Breaking away, he gently smoothed my hair and back. The air shifted between us and I could sense his reservation.

“We’ll talk more after dinner.” He stood and walked over to the door, and I traced my fingers over my lips, a tingle coursing through my body. His kiss had the taste of more.

Standing up, I made my way over to the table as the waiter walked out and closed the door behind him. Jonas held out my seat for me, and I thanked him and sat down.

Once we were both seated, he held up his glass. “I always start a meal with a toast, so please indulge me,” he said. “‘What is a man, if his chief good and market of his time be but to sleep and feed? A beast, no more.’ Having you here is a pleasant hiatus from the monotony of my work. Thank you.”

I lightly tapped his glass and beamed at him. “Hamlet.”

“Yes.” He took a sip of his drink. “You, Lily, give me hope for the youth of today.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m hardly a sample of the youth of today. My father used to say ‘all Salomé’s must have a fine grounding in arts and literature.’ He used to assign me homework growing up.”

“I like that, and wish I had done so with Paul. But he’s too much like me. He’s a rock lover. Beatles and Led Zeppelin are the only ones in his collection I can listen to.”

I laughed. We ate in silence for a few moments. I found the grilled Sea Bass to be heaven on a plate. The salad was equally delicious.

“I love the Beatles too,” I finally said.

“My all-time favorite songs are Maybe I’m Amazed, Something, and Women. All so beautifully crafted. The words are so honest and raw. They say I’m afraid. I’m imperfect. I love you with all my heart.” I was babbling.

I met his eyes and flushed, “Sorry, I tend to ramble.”

“You’re fine. I’ll also take a road away from time to time,” Jonas replied, his tone light.

“I have a great fondness for that song and that love. You’re a romantic,” he said.

I dipped my head and smiled. “I suppose I am.” I glanced up and found his eyes on me.

We ate the remainder of the meal in a comfortable silence. The food was one of the best meals I had in a long time and my belly appreciated every morsel by me clearing my plate.

“I see you were hungry.” Jonas smirked at my clean plate. “Would you care for dessert?” He ran his hand through his hair, giving me one of his winning smiles.

My face fell as Declan’s comments on my eating habits came to mind again.Never full. Always packing it away eh, Lily?“I’m stuffed, truly, thank you.”
