Page 21 of Miss Hap

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Iwatched Addison’s taillights disappear down the road and told myself I’d done the responsible, professional thing in ensuring she made it safely to her car. Hell, I was in security, so my actions made perfect sense.

But what didn’t make sense was how much my gaze kept getting drawn to her tonight. The sexy, unapologetic way she drank her beer. The way she was friendly with the guys while remaining professional. The way she’d stiffened when her cousin had made the bitchy remark about Addy’s willingness to eat the appetizers.

I’d been around plenty of women like Malorie. They were self-absorbed and put down other women as easily as they breathed. Yet Addy hadn’t snapped back at her cousin like I’d expected her to do. Perhaps I was the only one able to elicit that kind of response from her.

Malorie was the type who expected her drinks to be paid for. Meanwhile, Addy had tried to give Craig money for the bill. No way Craig would’ve taken it—I’d known the man for years—but it was nice to see she’d offered.

Dammit, I was becoming infatuated with her. Which was stupid for so many reasons I could no longer count them.

Once I arrived back at my empty house, I took the marinated chicken out of the refrigerator and brought it out to my back patio where I had a stainless steel barbeque built into a long stone island which also housed a refrigerator.

I was health-conscious Monday through Friday, but come tomorrow I’d have the biggest pile of pancakes, topped with butter, syrup, and my favorite condiment, peanut butter. Later, I’d order in a large pepperoni pizza for lunch.

What could I say? I enjoyed working out and keeping fit, but I’d never give up carbs.

On Monday I didn’t get into the office until afternoon, following a morning meeting. I found a crowd gathered in the kitchen. What in the hell? I should’ve guessed I’d see Addison in the middle of it all, chatting everyone up. There were cut-up pieces of cake spread over the countertop.

She glanced up, either immune to my frown or choosing to ignore it. “Good afternoon.”

“Any work getting done today?”

The guys took their cue, grabbing a last slice of cake and slinking back to what they were doing.

“What is this?” I demanded.

She grinned, picking up a slice of cake. “This is called cake. It comes in many flavors, but this one is chocolate with white icing, my favorite.”

As if to demonstrate her point, she took a large bite. Of course, her action caused me to stare at her mouth. Her very sexy, very sassy, mouth.

“I know what cake is.”

“Not sure I believe you. At any rate, we’re now conducting a monthly birthday celebration. This is for October, which had four birthdays.”

“I’m not paying for birthday cakes every month.” It was a shit thing to say, especially when I could easily afford it, but I didn’t like the disruption to the workday.

She shrugged. “Good thing I paid for it out of my own money, then.”

I liked that even less considering I knew how much she made. “Make sure you submit the bill for reimbursement.”

Her brows furrowed. “But you just said—”

“I know what I said. But if you insist on doing this, then I don’t want it coming out of your wallet.” I stormed off, hating the way I’d once again come across as an asshole.

The next week, Dominic drove in for a sales meeting. Although a flight would take less than an hour, he hated to fly, so he drove the five-hour distance instead.

I went to his office and took the seat across from him. “Thanks for coming in this week.”

He grinned. “Making the trip wasn’t an issue, especially since Kelsey was able to come with me.”

“Does she need a key to the house? I can make extras so you can both have them.”

My brother sighed. “Actually, we’re at a hotel. The casino she’s working with comped us a room. I figure while she’s here we’ll search for a condo or townhouse. That way we can have our own space when I’m in town and she wants to come with. We don’t want to be in your way.”

“It was never a bother.” I barely hid my disappointment over them no longer staying with me. But I had no claim to the emotion. He was starting the next chapter of his life with his girlfriend. Of course they wanted their own space.

“I know. But I thought it would encourage Kels to come out more often if she had her own office to work out of.”

“Yeah, makes sense. You need a realtor?”
