Page 99 of Miss Hap

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Nic had texted almost four hours ago to tell me he was on his way with the packet Addison had given him to return to me. Could mean she’d signed the papers, could mean she’d ripped them up in a million pieces.

I knew what I was secretly hoping for. Which was stupid. What needed to happen was for her to sign the papers and move on. Yet just the thought she might have done so made me sick to my stomach.

Gabe sighed from the sofa where he was working on his laptop. “Sit down before you wear out my new hardwood floors.”

I took a seat at the table for two on the side of the kitchen. “He should be here by now.” As if on cue, the sound of a knock came on the door.

Gabe opened it.

Nic walked in, looking annoyed, envelope in hand. “Here.”

He tossed it down on the kitchen table in front of me.

“What’s your problem?”

“This is my problem, and now yours.” He handed over a typed-up letter.

As soon as I read the words, I cursed. “What do you mean she gave notice? She can’t quit.”

He lifted a brow and moved over to Gabe’s bar to pour himself a drink. “You cannot be surprised given the circumstances. I know I’m not. She gave two weeks.”

“I planned it out so she wouldn’t have to quit.” I took a seat and held my breath as I opened the flap of the packet to slide out the paperwork. My stomach dropped. Her signature was on the divorce papers.

Careful what you ask for, you just might get it. I dumped out the other contents of the envelope and frowned at the two sets of house keys. “What the hell is this?”

Dominic turned around from the position he’d taken to face out the window. “No clue. You told me the contents were private.”

My heart started racing when I caught sight of Addison’s handwriting in a note. But the words I read lacked the warmth and passion I’d come to expect from her.


Here are the signed papers as you requested. Enclosed you will find the keys to the house. I’ve already moved out. If you insist on giving it to me, then I will sell it and donate the money. As far as the car you wish to purchase and the money you offered, those too can be donated. Please feel free to make your donation directly in order to save me the trouble.

My charity of choice is the Wounded Warrior Project.

Wishing you all the best.


There was no doubt she meant every word, which instantly irritated me. Moving out of my house—and without Malorie to fall back on since she’d moved in with Craig—meant Addison was probably going back home to live with her parents who would pick at her one comment at a time. “This is bullshit.”

“What is?” Nic asked.

“She won’t take the house or anything. Did she tell you what her plans are?”

I hadn’t realized what I’d admitted until Gabe asked, “What do you mean she won’t take the house? You guys went through a breakup, not a divorce.”

My cheeks heated despite my best effort to keep my face nonchalant. I might not share everything with my brothers, but I didn’t flat-out lie.

“Tell me those aren’t divorce papers.” Nic came over and peeked, afterward letting out a string of curses.

“We were waiting to tell everyone about the marriage in person. Doesn’t matter anyhow.” My hand scrubbed over my face.

But Dominic wasn’t about to let it go. “Doesn’t matter? Doesn’t matter that you had me deliver yourwifedivorce papers—in the office, no less? It doesn’t matter when I’m the one who had to see her tears because she knew what was in the envelope even when I didn’t? You made me the messenger to break her fucking heart while you sat here waiting for me to arrive back with the proper signature. It was bad enough when I thought I was delivering her a stupid note—something explaining why you’re sorry you couldn’t get your shit together and therefore are losing the best thing to ever happen to you, but no, it's so much worse.”

Gabe and I both stared at our laid-back, always-with-a-quick-smile, could-never-hold-a-grudge younger brother, knowing just how angry he must be to blow up.

“I’m sorry.” I’d been so caught up in ensuring I not see her and so possibly change my mind that I’d put my brother in the shittiest of positions.
