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I collapse against her and roll onto my back, pulling her with me.

She rolls over onto her side and snuggles up against me, her head on my chest.

We lay there in silence until I hear her breathing even out. It does funny things to my chest to know this innocent, perfect angel is sleeping trustingly in my arms.

I run my hand over her hair and kiss the top of her head.

Heaven might not fully realize it yet, but she'smine.

Only mine.



I never thoughtI'd be having sex with a man I wasn't married to.

My father preaches against it.

The people in my father's church would be scandalized.

I'm scandalized.

I do it anyway.

I know that according to what my father preaches about, what I'm doing with Caleb is wrong. We're having sex out of wedlock.

No, we're not just having sex.


It's raw and hot and dirty and twisted and forbidden.

I call himdaddy,and he calls me hislittle girl.

And God help me, but just thinking about it gets me all hot and bothered and throbbing.

I don't care if it's wrong. It feels soright.

When I went home, I lied to my father and told him I was staying at a friend's house. He shook his head at me disapprovingly and berated me for not telling him where I was and making him worry. If he could have grounded me, I know he would have, but I'm eighteen, so he can't.

I don't know why I keep staying here with him. I could just leave. I could just stay with Caleb all the time. I know he wants me to.

But my heart skips a beat when I think of how he's on the run, living hidden away for a crime he didn't commit.

He hasn't told me all the details, and I don't need to know them. I know Caleb. I trust him implicitly. He's innocent. I know it as surely as I know the sky is blue.

And if I just disappear and start staying with him, I take the risk of leading the authorities to him. I can't do that to him.

So, I sneak out every chance I get and meet him in the woods where he leads me the rest of the way to his cabin.

Our getaway. Our little hole in the universe where we can pretend I'm not a preacher's daughter, and he's not a wanted man.

A world where he's my daddy and I'm his little girl...

I shiver as I think that, and Caleb tightens his hold on me, kissing my shoulder.

I feel his cock twitch inside me, still hard, and I know I'm not done yet.
