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I fist a hand in her hair as I hover over her, my lips brushing up against hers. I’m vibrating with need, but I hold back. “Say it,” I order her. “Tell me you want this, Gracie.”

She's silent for a beat before she finally submits. “I want you, Massimo,” she breathes out in her husky little voice.

I snap and crash my lips down upon hers, claiming them. I’m finally allowing myself to taste those lips that have been taunting me for weeks now. “You taste better than I ever could have imagined.”

She moans into my mouth, and that moan registers straight to my cock. I continue to feast on her mouth as I jam my hips forward and pop her little cherry, stuffing her full of my cock. “You’re mine now,” I snarl, but I'm unable to contain the beast raging inside me as I pummel my hips against hers, fucking her fast and furiously. I know I'm being too rough for her first time, but I can't slow down.

Grace wraps her arms and legs around me and clings to me as she moans and whimpers in my ear, lighting my blood on fire. “You were made for me,tesoro. You’re mine now. You hear me? No one is ever going to take you away from me.”

“Massimo,” she breathes out my name again like it’s a prayer, and it's music to my ears.

“Yes, that's it,tesoro. Say my name when your pussy is full of me. Who do you belong to?”

She says my name again, her voice a high whine this time. Her breath is coming out in little pants, and I can tell she's getting close. “Look at me, Grace,” I order her, my own voice coming out in rough pants.

Her eyes snap open, wild with lust and burning a green fire as I continue to rut up into her. I feel my cock swelling and know that I'm going to come again any moment. “Look at me when I’m balls deep in you and scream my name when you come on my cock. Can you do that for me,princesa?”

Grace, good girl that she is, immediately obeys, holding my eyes as she screams my name. I feel the first flutters of her convulsing around me—hard. It catapults me to my own release. “Gracie!” I roar as I hammer into her harder than before, trying to get as deep as I can. I want to fuck my soul into hers until we are permanently joined as one being.

I come harder than the first time. My spend feels like it's being ripped violently from my balls. My cock pulses inside her over and over again until her tiny womb can't contain it all and my sticky release overflows, sliding down onto my tight balls. I hold myself deep inside her as I continue to come inside her in hot pulses while her pussy flutters around me.

I wrap my arms around her back and gather her against my chest before I roll us so that I'm lying on my back and she's laying on top of me, my cock still buried inside her. Fuck, the way I feel now I don't know if I'll ever pull it out of her. It feels so right to be buried inside her like this. I’m connected to her more than physically. It's like there's this pulsing spiritual bond between us.

A surge of protectiveness wells up inside me as I hold her close. I love the feeling of her slight weight against my chest as I stroke her hair. I kiss her forehead and her cheeks before I softly kiss her lips once again. “Te amo, tesoro. I love you,mi princesa. You’re mine. No one will ever hurt you. I will protect you. Now and always.” The promises and endearments come pouring out of me in a flood. I speak in a jumbled mixture of English and Italian, but fuck if I can control it.

Grace Birmingham is my everything. Fuck anyone who tries to come between us—including my father.



I was right.One taste of her isn't enough. Having her has unleashed a ravenous beast inside me.

I take her several more times throughout the course of the night. I spend at least an hour kissing every inch of her body until she’s sighing and moaning and melting up into me. I could spend forever just kissing her sweet lips.

She's laying with her head on my chest now, fast asleep like a little kitten. I pet her hair, marveling at the treasure in my arms. Mytesoro. My everything. My reason for living.

My jaw clenches involuntarily when I remember just whose daughter she is. It's not her fault, and I don't hold it against her, but I know my father is going to be relentless in his search of Doyle's daughter if he thinks it will give him a bargaining chip up on the man.

While I've never known my father to be one of those ruthless mafia men who harms women, he's not above exploiting them for his own gain, and his hatred for Grace’s father runs so deep that he might even cross that line if he had her in his clutches.

I look down at my sleeping Gracie. What should I do? I consider letting her go, but I immediately shut that idea down. Not only does my heart, body, and soul balk at the thought of being separated from her now, but my rational mind also tells me that there's no place safer for her than under my protection. If anyone can protect her from her father, it's me, the second-most powerful man in the city.

My father might be the most powerful man in the city, but the one thing Grace and I have going for us is that my father doesn't currently know she's in my care—and I intend to keep it that way until I figure out how to handle this mess.

Even if I thought setting Grace free would protect her, I'm not sure I'd be able to do it, greedy bastard that I am. One hit of her and I'm addicted. I curse internally. I knew it would be this way. This woman has me wrapped around her tiny little finger, and she doesn't even know it. I would burn this city to the ground over her.

I press a protective kiss against her sleeping head as I continue to stroke her hair gently, marveling at the way my fingers glide through the silky strands. She’s slumbering so peacefully. I completely wore my poor girl out, but I can't help it. I’m insatiable when it comes to her. If I could live with my cock inside her, I would.

My cock begins stiffening again just remembering how well she took me. How she begged her more. Her breathy whimpers and moans and then the way she screamed my name whenever she fell apart all over me.

I hear a knock at my door and frown. No one ever knocks on my door. No one is able to get past my security without my knowledge, which means I never receive any unexpected visitors.

I go completely still when I realize what this means. There's only one man with enough power to pull off something like that. My father.

When his knocking becomes more insistent, I slip out of bed, careful not to disturb Grace. I debate waking her up and telling her to stay put, but I don't want to scare her. She seems to be sleeping deeply anyway, so my best bet is to leave her here and get my father gone before she awakens. It's scarcely five o'clock in the morning, so she shouldn't wake for a while yet. She usually doesn't wake until eight or nine, but I bet she'll sleep later than that after I kept her up all night making love to her and fucking her in turns.

I curse under my breath when my father's pounding becomes even more insistent. I hurriedly tug on a pair of slacks and a shirt before making my way to the front door. I have no doubt he would have barged straight in had he been able to gain access to the key. Unlike the key to my elevator, there’s only one key to my actual penthouse, and it's mine. My head of command might have access to my elevator, but he doesn't have access to my internal apartments. I'd never trust anyone that much.
