Page 63 of Famously Fake

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“You’re not nervous to see them?”

I shake my head. “The whole idea was for them to go wild with their ideas. Everyone at the studio would do their own. I’m excited to see what they came up with.”

“I’m not used to you being so positive.”

“With this, it’s easy.”

This time when someone knocks on the door, I’m more prepared, and I don’t jump nearly as high. Spencer still laughs at me, though.

A guy with long hair and a jean jacket stands outside. I open it up, and he immediately holds out his hand to shake.

“Hey! I’m Clark; I’ve got the tables. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Everyone in the studio had fun with it.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I can’t wait to see what you guys did!”

“Your wait is over, madam!”

He turns and ushers a few people carrying tables to come in. There are twelve tables in total, and the chairs are already in the back storage area of the café.

The tables I picked out are square with a faux-marble top that was originally white, but thanks to the geniuses at the studio I hired, they’re now decorated in twelve different versions of vibrant colors. No two are the same, and each one is a masterpiece.

I run my fingers over the one that is already my favorite, which features an abstract blue, brown, and green design. It’s darker than most others, but it goes so well with the artwork I chose for the left wall.

“Oh my goodness, these are beautiful. Are you the ones who painted them?” I ask the helpers.

“Yep, and a few others who couldn’t make it. Each one is signed by the artist as you requested.”

“Oh, I do see that now! It was hidden.”

“We tried to be discrete.”

“These are seriously incredible. I knew you would do a great job when I saw the portfolios online.”

One of the girls smiles at me. “It was a pleasure. This was the most fun project I’ve ever done. Thanks for letting us be a part of it.”

“Thank you, guys. Seriously. I appreciate it so much. And you have some stuff for the new gallery wall, too?”

Clark snaps his fingers. “I forgot them in the car, but yes! We have ten pieces total for you for now. Each one has a name and price tag.”

“Perfect. Nichelle will do the sales for you and keep track of the tags so she can get the money to you.”

“This is awesome,” another guy says. “I can’t believe my work will be up on the wall here. Such a cool experience.”

My heart swells. Seeing how much this means to the artists makes it extra worth it to put in so much work for the café. Yeah, I’m getting paid, and so are the artists who did the tables and anyone who sells work, but still. There’s something to say about appreciation for what you do, on top of being paid, that makes it worthwhile.

“Alright, kids, we should probably let Leila and her friend get to work. Thanks again, Leila.”

“Thank you! If I have any future projects, I’ll be in touch.”

Clark smiles at me. “I’ll be holding you to that.”

I lock the door behind them, and Spencer and I start rearranging the tables into a configuration that I find perfect. Part of my job as an interior designer is to consider what the space is used for and how the furniture fits the purpose. I want plenty of room between tables for comfort, but not so much room that everyone feels isolated.

My phone buzzes once more, and I find a message from my mom that says, “I just talked to Jason’s mom, and he misses you. Why don’t you consider calling him?”

I groan, and Spencer asks me what’s wrong.

“Apparently my mom is in touch with my ex’s mother again. I thought we were off this once you and I started dating.”

“You mentioned she’d relaxed.”

“Yeah, she had, but we haven’t been seen in a magazine in a week, plus that whole breakup fiasco. Mom is convinced I should get back together with Jason.”

Spencer cringes. “That sucks.”

“Oh God, I’m sorry. Isn’t the first rule of dating not to bring up the ex? I’m the worst.”

“It’s fine, really. I know we both have histories. I just meant it sucks that your mom is pushing you to get back with him.”

“Especially because I barely even liked Jason. He was good on paper and good for my parents.”

“We do a lot to make our parents proud. I know how lucky I am to have a pair who don’t micromanage everything.”

I sigh. “I love them, but this is ridiculous.”

I shoot off a message to my mom, who should not be awake at eleven at night, and tell her I’m still with Spencer and I’m not getting back to Jason even if I were single. She responds that I should consider it because she heard Spencer hasn’t landed any big movies. I tell her to stop using Google and then tuck my phone away.
