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“Yes,” she said as she grabbed the back of his neck and closed the gap between them. She didn’t play games or try to be coy but opened immediately to accept his tongue. His lips were warm and wet from the shower. As promised, she tasted herself, and the unique flavor ramped her desire through the roof. She moaned and deepened the kiss, meeting his tongue with hers.

A growl ripped from his chest, and he grabbed her ass in both hands, hauling her against him. His erection pressed into her stomach. She loved the feel of it hot and hard against her skin. A promise that she wasn’t the only one affected.

She’d never been kissed like this before. They were deep, aggressive kisses that made her head spin and her body pulse with need. All of this was new to her. She didn’t do this and definitely didn’t get naked with men she’d known less than twenty-four hours. The few men she’d slept with had been boyfriends with whom she’d only gotten physical after multiple dates.

But Moose awakened something inside her—a needy, erotic woman who didn’t care about anything beyond getting as close to him as possible.

He lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as if they’d done this a hundred times before. His erection met her pussy, and she rubbed herself along his length, seeking relief.

“Fuck,” he said against her mouth.

Her back hit the shower wall. They ground against each other while kissing as though it could sustain them for the next decade. Her heart raced, and her blood zinged with excited anticipation she’d never experienced.

Moose tried to release her ass and grab her breast, but she began to slide down the wet wall.

He cursed while she giggled.

“Too goddamn slippery,” he grumbled as he yanked her away from the wall.

She clung to him with a squeal. “What are you doing?” she asked, still laughing.

“Getting the fuck out of this death trap.” He shut off the water and then shoved the curtain open while holding her against him. She kissed his neck, then his jaw, and his ear as he stepped out of the shower.

“Dammit, woman, you were gonna make me fall,” he said as he set her ass down on the counter next to the sink.

“Hmm?” she asked as she sucked at the spot on his neck right over his fluttering pulse. His skin was warm and tasted like he smelled—spicy and masculine. She kept her legs spread wide to accommodate his size. He fit like he belonged right there between her thighs.

“Fuck, you make me crazy.” He cupped her face and wrenched her head back, holding her exactly where he wanted so he could ravage her mouth.

She moaned as she gave herself over to his talented lips and tongue. Goose bumps broke out across her skin as the cooler air outside the shower washed over her.

“You gonna let me fuck you?” Moose asked against her lips.

“I’ll beg you to fuck me.” She spoke the truth. He was the only man she’d ever wanted with this feverish intensity.

“You’ll never need to beg me.” He kissed across her cheek to her ear, raking his teeth across her earlobe.

She shuddered.

“Any time you want me, I’m yours. All you have to do is bat those pretty eyes my way, and I’ll fall to my knees.”

She met his gaze, lost for words. What intense statements, but Moose was a loner and not one to be available to a woman any time she wanted. Even though she wanted to internalize what he said and bask in how those words made her feel, she forced herself to see them for what they were—powerful statements spoken in the heat of the moment but not meant to be taken as gospel.

She smiled, stroked her hands up his chest, and said, “I want you now.”

“You’ve got me.” He kissed her as he pressed his erection against her core.

Daisy gasped into his mouth. “Now!”

He squeezed her ass, holding her in place as he ground against her. “Fuck!” He ripped his mouth away. “Condom.”

Her eyes bugged. How the hell could she have forgotten? Using protection hadn’t crossed her mind once. This man scrambled her brain. She needed to regain control before she did something stupid like fuck a man bare, one she barely knew.

Her heart sank. “I don’t have one.” She didn’t exactly carry them around on the off chance she met a sexy biker who wanted to ravage her.

“I do.” He rummaged through his toiletry bag while she forced herself not to think about why he kept a stash of them. Of course, she knew why, but it didn’t need to be acknowledged. “I have two,” he said.

Two remaining, probably from a multipack, which means he’d screwed through the rest.

You said you wouldn’t do this.

“Don’t,” he said as he came back to her. “I’m not out here fucking women wherever I go. These were a favor at a bachelor party six months ago.”
