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“It’s your fault. It’s all your fault.”

“Liv, think about this, you don’t want to ruin your life for him.”

“I want you to die, though.” She was shaking as she held up the gun. From nerves? Or because she was high on something?

“Liv, please don’t.”

Just as Liv brought up her other hand to steady the gun, the door opened, slamming into Liv and causing her to stumble.

Gwen dove to the side as Kiesha barreled through. “What’s going on? Liv? Holy shit! That’s a gun. Oh, hell no!” Kiesha kicked out, knocking the gun away. Gwen cringed, waiting for it to go off.

“This is fucking déjà vu! No one is shooting my New Bestie in a smelly bathroom! No way!”

Kiesha leaned down, grabbing Liv, easily pulling her arms behind her back.

“Gwen, get Ed! And Dominic!” Kiesha ordered.

Liv lay on the floor, not even fighting. Tears poured down her cheeks. Gwen felt kind of sorry for her.

Urgh. What was wrong with her? This woman tried to kill her.

“Oh God,” she groaned as she drew out her phone to call Dominic.

“What is it?” Kiesha asked.

“Dominic isn’t going to let me out of his sight again. Ever. I’m going to end up peeing in front of him for the rest of my life.”

“Girl.” Kiesha shook her head. “Truer words were never spoken.”

Dominic crashed through the door less than a minute later, gathering her up in his arms. Ed was close behind him.

“Fuck, darling girl. Fuck. Are you all right? Were you hurt?”

“N-no. She was going to s-shoot me. She blamed me for D-Darius’s death. But Kiesha s-saved me.” Damn, now that it was all over, she was losing it and stuttering.

“Kiesha to the rescue.” Kiesha did a fist pump into the air.

“Fuck. Liv? What are you doing here? Why the hell didn’t your parents or grandparents let me know you’d left Florida?” Ed cuffed her as Gwen managed to relay everything that had happened. She was shaking.

Delayed reaction, she guessed.

“I snuck away, they probably haven’t noticed as no one loves me,” Liv cried dramatically.

Ed sighed and drew Liv onto her feet.

“I want him back,” Liv said. “Why did he have to die? He was the love of my life! And now he’s gone!”

Dominic turned away from the young woman and held Gwen even tighter, rocking back and forth.

“That’s it. I’m quitting my job and becoming your permanent bodyguard. I am never letting you out of my sight again. You keep ending up in these dangerous situations and my heart is too old to handle this shit. So be prepared for me to be up in your personal space for the rest of your life, Gwendolyn Mary Anderson.”

Right in that moment.

She couldn’t think of anything she wanted more.



Gwen was running late for her meeting. She paused at a red light and quickly applied some mascara. When the light went green, she pressed down on the accelerator as she was applying lipstick.

And that’s when the jerk spotted her.

She hadn’t noticed him coming up beside her at the lights. But she saw the lights flashing as he indicated for her to move to the side of the road.


She sighed as she parked, then wound down her window as he approached.

“Ms. Anderson,” he said sternly.

“Good afternoon, Deputy SITM.”

“Um, it’s Jace. We’ve met before.”

“Yes, unfortunately, I’m well aware. What can I do for you? I’m certain I wasn’t speeding.”

“You weren’t. But you were distracted.”

“I was?”

“You were putting make-up on while driving.”

“No, I wasn’t. I put it on at the traffic lights.”

“That’s not what I saw. I’m going to write you a ticket, and if God is merciful, Dominic will ban you from driving for a while.”

“Hey! That’s just rude. Isn’t there some law that says cops aren’t allowed to be a tattletale?”

“Actually, it’s kind of in the job description.” He smirked at her.


She shifted in her seat. Shoot. She just knew that she wasn’t going to be sitting comfortably tomorrow.

“Have a nice day, Ms. Anderson. No more doing your make-up while driving.”

She groaned as he left. He was such a jerk.

Now, the question was should she call Dom and confess what she’d done or wait until she saw him when she got home later on that night?

A glance at the time made her mind up for her.

Why do something now that she could put off until later?

Especially when it involved his hand meeting her ass.

That evening, she stepped into the cabin, the scent of food cooking making her stomach rumble.

She was feeling much more rested and less stressed since she’d been living with Dominic. He always made sure she ate well and got enough sleep. And that she didn’t work long hours and become a workaholic again.

She’d partnered up with Harry and they had started their own law firm here in Wishingbone. She took on a lot of animal and child abuse cases. It was really hard. And there were days that she cried because the stories she heard were so horrific.
