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At least, not yet.

He was glad she’d made that promise to keep herself safe.

“Let me get started on dinner. Would you like some coffee or wine?”

“Ooh. That’s a tough choice. Coffee then wine.”

He set her up at the small island and made her a coffee just the way she liked it.

“This is heaven.” She sighed happily.

“Glad you like it.”

“Although, sitting isn’t that fun.” She slid off the stool and leaned against the island instead.

He smirked at her as he got out the steaks he’d prepared earlier.

“What are we having?” she asked.

“Chicken-fried steak.”

“Really? Oh my God. Yum. Urgh, although I probably shouldn’t.”

“I remembered what you said last night, and this morning I looked up a healthy alternative recipe.”

“You . . . you did?” She was giving him a look filled with amazement.

“Yep. Figured I’d give it a go.”

“That . . . that’s really amazing of you. I wasn’t expecting much, I mean . . . whoa, that was rude.”

He grinned. “I’m not insulted. I make a mean sandwich, but I wanted to try and make you something that you wanted. And don’t thank me yet, for all you know it’ll taste like shit.”

She burst into laughter, just as he’d planned.

“Can I help you?” she asked as he moved around the kitchen.

“No, baby. You just stay there and relax.”

“Um, well, if it’s not rude to ask . . .”

“Ask,” he told her firmly.

“Do you think I could take a shower? I brought a change of clothing.”

“Of course you can.”

Her naked and wet in his house? Fuck yes.

“Where are your clothes?” he asked.

“In my car. I’ll go get them.”

“Nope. You stay inside where it’s warm. I’ll be back soon.” As he walked past, he kissed the top of her head. “Be a good girl and stay here.”

By the time she finished with her shower, her stomach was grumbling. She glanced into his bedroom. It was neat and plain. There weren’t a lot of knickknacks or photos or anything personal.

But she did spot one photo sitting on a dresser. Moving closer, she saw a woman smiling up at her. She was beautiful with dark hair and big eyes. Wrapped around her from behind was a younger Dominic. He was staring down at the woman like she was his whole world.

“That’s Janie,” he said from behind her. She let out a squeal.

“Oh my God! You scared me.” Her heart raced and she took a few slow breaths to calm it. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

Embarrassment flooded her.

“No need for apologies. I have nothing to hide. You’re welcome to anything in this house.”

Wow. That was so generous and open of him. She felt like she had more secrets than she knew what to do with.

Maybe it’s time to talk about some of those.

“She was really beautiful.”

He smiled. “She was. Very kind and sweet. Loved animals. She was a teacher. Her kids adored her.”

Oh God.

She’d probably been patient and open and everything Gwen wasn’t.

“She was a terrible cook, though.”


“Awful. Everything was always too salty or mushy. How that woman could mess up boiling eggs, I have no idea. But she did it. I mean, not that I can say anything. I couldn’t cook either.”

Relief filled her. Maybe Jane wasn’t so perfect.

“I can’t cook,” she confessed.

He shrugged. “I don’t need you to cook for me. I’m perfectly capable of keeping us both fed. I actually took a cooking class a few months ago. Before then, I couldn’t cook at all.”

“That’s so sexy.”

“The fact that I couldn’t cook?”

“No! The fact that you can now cook.”

He grinned down at her. “That’s good to know. Come on. I’ve poured you a wine.”

She was feeling less stiff and sore after her shower. Although she couldn’t guarantee that she’d be walking easily tomorrow.

Her breath caught when she saw everything laid out on the table. He hadn’t just plonked down two plates of food. There were lit candles in the middle. Garlic bread resting on another plate. A glass of red wine for each of them. And actual cloth napkins.

“This is . . . wow. You’re spoiling me.”

“No such thing. I could never spoil you enough.”

He led her to her chair, pulling it out for her and she smiled up at him. Then her eyes caught the huge amount of food on her plate.

“Just how much do you think I’m going to eat?” she teased.

“I expect you’ll make a good dent in that.”

She picked up her half-filled glass of red wine, taking a sip. “Yum.”

“Enjoy the wine, darling girl. Because I’m afraid I can’t give you any more.”

She frowned, her body tensing. Why not?

“Not when you’re driving. Truthfully, I didn’t know about giving you that much.”

“Oh. I’m used to having a glass and driving.” But he was right, she wouldn’t have anymore. “And there’s food.”

“Which is why you’re going to eat a good portion of what’s on your plate. Green stuff included.”
