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“Today when I got back to my hotel room there was an envelope waiting outside my door.”

“And the threat was in the envelope?”

“Yes, there was a written message inside telling me to leave town.”

“Who the fuck left that?” he exploded.

Fuck being chill.

“We don’t know, but Ed is pretty hopeful he’ll find the person on the cameras.”

“You took it to Ed?”

“Yep. I went to Ed as soon as I found it. He’s looking into it. And he had me moved onto this floor, which no one else can access without a special card.”

Deep breath in. Let it out.

“I’m going to find someone to take over for me here and come back.”

“No, Dominic, you don’t need to do that.”

“I do need to do that. And I will be doing it.” Somehow. “You are to stay in your room. Fuck, I’d get Kent to come get you but apparently, Abby is ill with the flu. And so is Clint.”

He didn’t like the idea of her being on her own.

“I’ll call Ed, see if you can stay at his place.”

“What? No. I’m fine here. No one can get to me. And it was one small threat.”

“There are no such things as small threats, Gwen.”

“I’ll stay inside. All right? Although Kiesha did mention something about drinks tomorrow night.”

“I think that you should stay inside until I get back or Ed catches this person, understand?”

“Yes, Dominic.”

“You’re going to be my good Little girl, aren’t you? I’m serious. If you disobey me on this, I will take off my belt.”

She sucked in a breath.

“Unless that’s a hard limit. You still need to send me some more limits.”

“It’s not. I don’t think. I don’t know.”

Shit. She looked and sounded so tired.

“Go to sleep, baby. I’ll text you tomorrow. Stay in the hotel and call me if anything happens, understand?”

“Yes,” she said quietly.

Damn. She looked so lost that it hurt him.

“Darling girl. I . . . you scare me. You’re so brave. I know you were trying to help her, and I get it. I do. I just don’t want you to get hurt. And this threat . . . while I’m not there . . .”

“I get it. I’ll stay inside until it’s safe or you get back. I just . . . I don’t want to inconvenience you. You shouldn’t have to come back early for me.”

“Oh, Shortcake. You could never inconvenience me. And I need to be with you . . . for my own peace of mind. Now, it’s time you were in bed. Have you had something to eat for dinner?”

“Uh, no. I don’t feel like anything.”

He frowned. “If you’re on a secure floor, will someone from reception bring you up some food if I have it delivered there?”

“Oh, I didn’t think of that. Yes, I believe so.”

“I’ll order you something now.”

“I’m really not going to be able to eat.”

“Fine. I’ll let it go for tonight. But you will make sure you eat breakfast, understand?”

“Yes, Dom.”

“Good girl. You look exhausted. Let’s get you into bed. You go put your PJs on and brush your teeth, take your medicine, and then come back.”

“Are you going to put me to bed again?” She gave him a small smile.

“Wish I was there to do it in person. I’d hold you in my arms and keep you safe.”

Her whole face softened. “I wish that too.”

“Everything will be all right, darling girl. I promise.”


She was going to murder the asshole knocking on her door.

Groaning, she rolled over as she stared at her bedside clock.

It was just after nine. Nine! Who the heck knocked on a person’s door at nine in the morning?

It was damn well criminal.

“Got a mind to report them to the sheriff,” she muttered to herself as she got out of bed and stomped to the door. If they were going to knock this early, then they could be greeted by her bed hair, striped flannel pajamas, and grumpy face.

She took off Dominic’s lock, then unlocked the door and drew it open. “What?”

She should have realized who would be standing on the other side.

Dumb ass.

“Did you check who it was before you opened the door?”

“Yes.” No. Not at all.

Ed’s gaze narrowed as he took her in. “Sorry, did I wake you?” He looked entirely too amused for this early in the morning.


He ran his hand over his face. “Kiesha told me it was too early. Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she grumbled. “Do you want to come in?”

“Thank you. Did you get some sleep?”

“Eventually,” she grumbled. “Next time you have to wake me up this early, bring coffee.”

“Noted.” His lips twitched. Was he planning on smiling?

Ooh, he better not if he knew what was good for him. She was not in the mood to smile.

“I just wanted to come and update you on the investigation.”

“Already? There’s an update?”

“Yes, actually. We know who left the threatening letter.”
