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“You’re just a big fat cow, Gwen.”

“No one will ever want you, Gwen.” Her parents joined Chad.

Kill her. Kill her.

Dark, faceless voids. Why couldn’t she see their faces?

You’re going to die.



Each word brought a thump of pain. As though something was hitting her.


“Darling girl! Wake up! Right now!”

She heaved for breath, trying to get air into her lungs as her heart raced.

Oh God! It was happening again!

“Gwen. It’s all right, darling girl. You’re fine. You’re okay.”

She stared up into Dominic’s concerned face then looked around her. Where was she?

Why did her head hurt so much? God, she felt like shit.

“You’re okay. You’re in my cabin on Sanctuary Ranch. You’re safe. You’re safe, darling girl. I’m going to pick you up to cuddle you right now, all right?”


He picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She groaned as the movement hurt her head, making her feel even worse. But he got her to the toilet in time for her to throw up.

So. Gross.

She kneeled in front of the toilet and vomited until there was nothing in her stomach. That’s when she became more aware of her surroundings.

Dominic was behind her, supporting her with one arm wrapped lightly around her chest. With his other hand, he was doing his best to hold back her hair.

She started to shake. So cold. She was so cold.

“It’s okay, my baby. It’s all right. You’re okay.” He stood with her in his arms and flushed the toilet.

She might have felt embarrassed about vomiting in front of him if she didn’t feel so damn awful.

“Let’s get you clean and warmed up. You’re okay.” He turned on the shower and then drew off her top and bottoms, leaving her just in her panties. Then he stepped into the shower, wearing just his boxers, and sat on the shower floor with her in his lap. He protected her from the water hitting her in the face. Reaching up, he grabbed some shower gel and gently started washing her.

She’d been coated in sweat. She probably stank of sweat and vomit. But he washed her like she was precious. The most treasured thing in his life.

And that’s when the tears started. She leaned her face into his warm chest and cried as though her heart was breaking.

“That’s it, darling girl. Just let it all out. You’re safe. I’m here. I won’t let anyone harm you. Not ever again. Let it out.”

He held her as she lost her mind. When the tears dried up, her nose was stuffy and her head was aching. She couldn’t think beyond the cotton wool filling it.

She barely noticed him turning the shower off and drying them both. He changed her wet panties for dry ones, then put one of his T-shirts on her.

Then they were back in bed and he was curled around her, keeping her safe. Butterball was placed in her arms for her to hug.

“Light. Can I have more light?”

“You can have whatever you want,” he told her fiercely. Getting up, he turned on the hall light. That was better. Then he climbed back into bed with her.


“Shh, baby. Just go to sleep. We can talk about it tomorrow. I’ll watch over you.”

To her shock, she fell straight into sleep.

Dominic watched Gwen poke at the sandwich with a finger.

He’d let her get away with not eating any breakfast. He knew that her nightmare likely still had its grip on her. And her stomach was probably tender.

But he was the Sandwich King. Self-proclaimed, but well known in the state of Montana. Or, at least, on Sanctuary Ranch. And he wanted her to at least try it.

“Eat a few bites for me, darling girl,” he cajoled, holding it up for her. “It tastes good. And if you don’t like it, I’ll make you something else. I won’t lie, I’ll probably cry a little on the inside, because I am the sandwich king.”

That got him a small smile. “Good to be the king of something, I guess.”

“I’ll have you know I’m the king of lots of things. Massages, orgasms, sandwiches.”

A bigger smile. Something eased inside him. Maybe, he should have had her talk about everything last night. Perhaps those shadows he could see in her eyes wouldn’t be there if he had.

“Come on, take a bite for Daddy.”

“I don’t feel like eating.”

“Well, you need to eat. You need fuel to get strong and healthy.”

She looked away.

Shit. This wasn’t working.

“Gwendolyn Mary, you need to eat. Now, you can have anything you like, I’ll go make it for you. But you will eat. Or you’ll need to drink three bottles this afternoon.”

She gave him a shocked look. He didn’t like having to get so stern with her over this. But he knew her body needed the nutrition.

Thankfully, she took a bite of the sandwich, a surprised look filling her face. “All right, I can understand the title now.”
