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“How bad she hurt?” Sutton asked beside me.

“Concussion, bruised ribs, sprained ankle. Looked like he fractured her eye socket. Fuckton of bruising and swelling.”

“Fucker,” Sutton hissed, shaking his head.

“I’m gonna find him,” I declared, jaw tight.

If anyone had opinions on that, they kept them to themselves.

Then, since no one had more questions, I took my ass into the kitchen for some coffee I was going to need if I wasn’t getting any sleep.

“Do you know her?” Sutton asked, following me in, grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge, then the vanilla protein powder he used to make orange dreamcicle protein shakes in the morning before working out.


“Feelin’ guilty,” he concluded, looking over with those keen eyes of his.

“Yeah, something like that,” I agreed. “And I fucking hate people who pick on someone weaker than them.”

That was how I found my way to this club after all.

Came across Valen, a legacy kid, getting jumped by several guys. I stepped in, saved his ass, and we’d been with each other ever since.

When he talked about the club and the brotherhood, the stability, the family aspect, I’d started to crave all those things that I’d never had in my life, and asked that he’d take me back with him.

That was a while ago now.

He was shacked up with his high school girlfriend again. Meaning I didn’t see him as much as I used to. But I did find that sense of brotherhood and community at the club, so I finished prospecting, I got my cut.

“Men who prey on women need to be tracked down and taken out like the rabid dogs they are,” Sutton said, miming a gun to his temple.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“Didn’t strike me as a do-gooder,” Sutton said.

“I’m not,” I admitted. I liked to mind my business, and for everyone to stay out of mine. But once in a while, like with Valen, and now with Sylvie, you had to step in. You had to make shit right.

Sutton took a long sip of his shake then shrugged.

“Get it,” he said, nodding. “You need any help making this shit right, let me know,” he told me.

“Appreciate it,” I said, nodding at him before he made his way out of the room.

I sipped my coffee, had some food, listened to the guys and girls file off to bed, then, finally, Brooks was making his way into the kitchen.

“Got something to talk to you about,” I said as he made his way to the coffee pot.

“Why does that phrase fill me with dread?” he asked as he reached for a mug.

“History,” I said, nodding. I got it. Everyone in this club was a fucking hassle. And he was the one tasked with keeping us all in line.

“Yeah, true,” he agreed. “Alright. What do you have going on?”

“There’s a woman in my room.”

“Since when does that need to be reported to me? I don’t care who you fuck.”

“It’s not like that,” I told him, then gave him the Cliffsnotes of the whole night.

Then, when I was done, this fuck broke out laughing.

“The fuck?” I asked, brows pinched.

“Christ, man,” Brooks said, shaking his head. “I am used to guys coming to me telling me they are dating some chick who has a cartel after them or who runs a rival club or shit like that. Life-threatening, club-risking shit. Some chick who needs a safe place to stay doesn’t need a serious sit-down conversation,” he told me. “But I appreciate you thinking it might. Usually, someone is knee-deep in shit before they get around to talking to me about it.”

“I don’t know who did it to her, so I can’t speak on it not being serious,” I admitted. “But once I do know who did it…”

“Yeah, I know how this goes,” he said, nodding. “Keep me updated. I’ll keep Fallon updated. We got no problems.”

To that, I nodded.

“So Sully is staying?” I asked.

“Fallon liked him. And Callow vouched for him.”

“And Sutton?”

“Probably isn’t staying. And it sounds like the shit that went down with the two of them was personal. Young guy shit.”

“Sully and Callow served together?”

“Yeah. And to hear Callow say it, despite all that laid-back shit that Sully has going on, he’s a fearsome motherfucker. Fallon likes that shit.”

He did.

It was why he wanted guys like me around. And as much as I didn’t like to admit it, Dezi too.

“Prospect room is filling up,” I said, thinking of my time spent in there.

One row of bunk beds, six in all.

And right now, we had the legacy Nave, then Sutton, Callow, and Sully in there.

“With Rune, Croft, and Vas all having eyes on badges in the near future too,” Brooks agreed, referencing more legacies. The kids of Roderick.

The club was getting big.

All of us, all the OG guys, the sister chapters in Florida and California. And, possibly, another one in Texas if we were right in assuming that was why Sutton was hanging around.
