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It was one of the best nights of my life.

I hadn’t been aware of how much I’d been craving female companionship until I had it.

When I finally rolled off the mattress early the next morning, a hangover like an icepick in my skull, I found that Hope already had Nitro out back and Sully was in the kitchen making pancakes. With what ingredients, I had no idea, but he was.

Layna and Vi were still passed out on their bed, Willa had arrived late and left early after not drinking anything, but the other three were missing.

“Where is everyone?” I asked, taking a long, greedy sip of water from the glass Sully passed me.

“Kit and Ria had to get back to their new place. Filming and such, I imagine,” he said.

“What are they filming here? I thought they were travel vloggers?”

“They are still somewhat. But they are transitioning their channel.”

“To what?”


“Really?” I asked, surprised.

“Yep. Farming and chickens and solar. All that shit.”

“And Gracie?” I asked, not seeing her around, though I suspected she was the one who’d cleaned up our mess from the night before.

“On a run,” he said, shaking his head. “She claims it cures a hangover.”

“So does food. And wallowing in your misery for a few hours,” I said.

“Well, I’ve got the food covered,” he told me, flipping a couple of pancakes onto a plate.

“Have I mentioned how glad I am that you joined the club?”

“You only want me for my mad cooking skills.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, sweetie,” Layna said, giving him a sleepy smile from the doorway, her hair a mussed mess, and her pants were mysteriously missing, leaving her in just a tight tee and panties. “We also love your Hawaiian shirt collection.”

“Oh, Syl, before I forget,” Sully said. “Your man is swinging by later to scoop you up and take you for coffee.”

“Oh, I could use some She’s Bean Around,” Layna groaned, stretching her long, lean body.

“Nah. They’re traitors,” Sully said, shaking his head. “They go to Deja Brew now.”

“Blasphemy,” Layna said, slapping a hand to her heart.

“Hey, Shal needs some business too,” I insisted. In truth, we felt kind of partial to her for the whole assisting in saving me from being kidnapped thing. Also, there were never the insane lines there that She’s Bean Around had.

“True. It leaves more double-shot mocha lattes for me,” Layna said as Sully piled her plate. At her raised brow, he threw another one on top with a smile.

“He’s all tired out,” Hope said, bringing in a panting Nitro.

“So,” Sully said, a mischievous smirk tugging at his lips. “I hear you’re fucking a drug lord.”

“Oh, God,” Hope said. “I guess the secret is out.”

It wasn’t yet.

But it would be soon.

It created a moderate stir.

Luckily enough, pretty soon after, there was another damsel in distress that distracted everyone from the news.

Voss - 11 months

“Stop pacing,” Valen grumbled. “You’re fucking making me queasy,” he added.

Anxiety wasn’t something I was usually afflicted with. I’d never really cared that much before. But I was anxious right then.

For two-fold reasons.

One, I was all fucking dressed up in a damn suit that made me feel like I couldn’t breathe, because we were going to the fancy-ass charity event Willa had helped Syl plan for Barlowe House.

But, two, I had a ring burning a hole in my pocket. And I figured tonight would be a good time. After the event. When she was already jazzed up on the success—because with Willa involved, it was going to be a success.

I wanted to take her downstairs and walk her down the beach, then, you know, do the whole… proposing thing.

“Dude, you’ve been living like a husband and wife for almost a year now,” Valen reminded me. “She’s not going to say no.”

That was true.

We’d slowly but surely set up the house, made it our own, fixed up the yard for Nitro, and backyard barbecues, and… eventually… kids.

And we’d spent damn near every night together since we’d moved in, save for the occasional girls night sleepover, or when I had to go do a drop with the club.

I mean, we’d done the whole… love you thing.

It really was ridiculous how anxious I was about asking her to, you know, lock this shit down in a legal way.

Which, Sutton had told me very firmly, was not the way I was supposed to ask her to marry me.

“Yeah, man, she’s been watching those rom-coms with me,” Sully added. “You’re gonna need to be romantic and shit.”



I didn’t think I had it in me.

But if I did, even a little, Sylvie deserved to have me drag it up and show it to her.

Hence the fucking anxiety.

“What’s taking so long?” I grumbled, getting a snort from Valen.

“Seriously? The entire girls club is in there getting all dolled up, and you think they’re going to be on time? Let alone early?” he asked, shaking his head.
