Page 10 of Beautiful

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Her eyebrows rose. “Like who?”


Skylar looked down at her coffee. “Yeah, that one hurt a lot. Besides Michelle, I really thought my boyfriend had known me better.”

With a nod of my head, I sighed. “I’m guessing that, this Charlie guy, his parents are pretty influential people? I mean it seems like his Dad talks to people and they change sides.”

Skylar rolled her eyes. “You could say that.”

“Fuck ’em.”

Her eyes grew wide. “Excuse me?”

“Fuck all those people who try to put a label on you. Do you know what I see when I look at you?”

Her face instantly blushed.

“I see a beautiful young woman with an amazing smile who seems to be smart as hell, except in calculus.”

Skylar chuckled as she shook her head.

“I see someone who, if she puts her mind to something, she can do anything she wants. And I see someone very strong who has put up with a lot of bullshit yet still walks with her head high. You’re pretty damn awesome if you ask me.”

Her lips parted slightly as she stared at me. “You don’t even really know me, Wyatt.”

Giving her a smile, I leaned in closer and said, “Yet. I don’t know you yet. But we’re off to a great start, don’t you think?”

Her smile about blew me out of my seat.

“I think so. I won’t deny, I’m curious about you.”

Lifting a brow, I said, “I’ll take it!”

She glanced at the time and then turned back to me with a pout. “I guess I should probably head home. My parents might be worried about me.”

I jumped up and started to walk her out to her car. I wanted nothing more than to take her in my arms and hold her to let her know what it was like to have someone care about her.

“Do you work every day?” I asked right before we got to her car.

“Not every day. I’ve been having a hard time in calculus, so my parents are making me cut back on some hours. We have a big test coming up, so…”

I smiled as I looked into her beautiful gray eyes. She seemed so strong on the outside, but her eyes were so lost.

“I’ll help you study. Meet me here tomorrow. What time works for you?”

She let out a small chuckle. “Are you sure? You don’t mind?”

“Not at all. I wouldn’t have asked if I minded.”

“Tomorrow? After football practice?”

“Perfect! I’ll meet you here, angel.” I almost reached down to kiss her on the cheek before I caught myself.

The moment her teeth sank into her lip, I knew. I was lost to this girl like I’d never been lost before.

“Night, angel.”

Lifting her hand, Skylar quickly got in her car. I watched her drive off until I couldn’t see her taillights anymore.

What is it about her that makes my stomach drop like I’m on a damn ride at Disney World?


I knocked on the door and waited patiently.

When Skylar’s mom opened the door, she flashed me a huge smile. “Good afternoon, Wyatt. What’s on the agenda for today?”

The first few times I’d picked up Skylar, I could see the apprehension in both her parents’ eyes. I couldn’t imagine what it was like for them to let me take their daughter, knowing that their son’s best friend had raped her. Even Skylar had had a hard time at first. The first time I’d offered her a bottle of water, I could see the fear in her eyes. It’d about killed me. From that point on, I’d pretty much let her make all our plans.

Countless hours at the coffee shop or on the lawn outside the library were where we’d spend most of our time. Today though, I got to pick where we were going.

As I sat in the living room with Skylar’s father, Paul, we talked about everything football while I waited for Skylar to finish getting ready.

I knew the moment she walked into the room. My eye lifted, and I fought to find my breath. Her hair was pulled up in a sloppy bun on the top of her head with a few strands hanging down. She was dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. My eyes moved down, and I smiled when I saw the purple sneakers.

I didn’t think I’d ever seen anyone as beautiful as she was.

“Hey,” I said as I stood up and walked over to her.

“Hey back,” Skylar said. She bit into her lower lip.

Damn it, I wanted to kiss her so badly, but the last thing I wanted to do was spook her or make her dad want to hurt me.

“So, what do you kids have planned for today?” Paul asked.

Skylar turned to look at me. “I’m not sure. I let Wyatt pick what we’d do today.”

Paul smiled slightly. “Well, have fun, and be careful driving. Check in with us in a few hours, Skylar.”
