Page 18 of Beautiful

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Actually, it was because I’d lain awake half the night, thinking about Wyatt.

Sitting in the car, I leaned my head on Wyatt again.

Then, I heard my mother’s voice, and I woke up in Wyatt’s arms as he was carrying me up the stairs and into my room. I wanted to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms, so I kept my eyes closed.

“You are terribly sweet, carrying her up to her room like this.”

Wyatt’s laugh warmed my entire body. He gently placed me on the bed. “I don’t mind at all. I didn’t want to wake her. She’s clearly exhausted because she also fell asleep in the movie.”

I trembled when he pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear.

“She must be cold. Let me grab an extra blanket from the hall. I’ll be right back.”

“Sounds good,” Wyatt replied in a hushed voice.

That was when it happened.

Leaning over, Wyatt kissed my forehead and whispered, “Good night, my beautiful angel. Dream about me.”

I was pretty sure, in that moment, the walls around my heart collapsed.


I couldn’t stop thinking about my star date with Skip and Wyatt tonight. I was excited to talk to Skip and to spend time with Wyatt. His whispered words last night had me daring to believe there might be something more than friendship between us.

When I opened my locker, a note fell out. I could read it or walk over to the trash and throw it away. I chose the latter. Walking with my head held high, I dropped the note into the garbage and made my way back to my locker.

Goose bumps appeared across my skin before he even said a word.

“Hey,” Wyatt softly said. His green eyes danced with happiness.

I pressed my lips together and smiled. “Hey back.”

“You ready for tonight?”

My eyes drifted over his shoulder. Jenny was standing at her locker, glaring at us.

Focusing my attention back on Wyatt, I nodded. “I’m excited. What about you?”

His smile and that dimple made my knees weak.

“Oh, I plan to wish on some serious stars tonight.”

“Hey, Wyatt. I’m planning a little party at my house after the football game tomorrow night. Most of the football team will be there. I know I can count on you showing up, right?” Jenny said.

When she placed her hand on his arm, he glanced down and looked at it before taking a step away from her.

“Sorry, Jenny. Skylar and I have plans.”

I quickly looked at him. We didn’t have plans—at least that I knew of.

“I’m sure Skylar wouldn’t mind letting her new BFF spend some time with his teammates. You’re the leader of the team, Wyatt. You should be rallying with them.”

Wyatt let out a gruff laugh. “I do, Jenny—on the football field during every practice and every game. I don’t consider an after-party as something I need to rally up the troops for.”

Jacob walked by and looked between me and Wyatt. When our eyes met, he smiled slightly. He hadn’t spoken to me or even looked at me in months. Now, he was staring at me in class and smiling at me in the hall.

Where was he when I needed him?

“I see. Well, being a part of a team is more than just on the field, Wyatt.”

God, is girl really that desperate? I wanted to laugh, but if I did, I knew it would only bring me more heartache.

Clearing my voice, I grabbed my calculus and english books along with a few other things. “I’ve got to run.”

“I’ll walk you to your car,” Wyatt said with a dazzling smile.

Jenny stood there, stunned. “So, is that a yes or a no to the party, Wyatt?”

Lifting his hand, he called out, “That is a no, Jenny.”

I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face as Wyatt took my books from my arms and carried them while we walked out to my car.

For one brief moment, I wished he had laced his fingers with mine. For now though, I’d take him blowing off Jenny and carrying my books over anything.


* * *


WE DROVE DOWN Park Road toward Inks Lake State Park in silence while Skylar stared out the window. I wanted desperately to know what she was thinking about.

“So, is Inks Lake where you and Skip used to come for your star dates?”

Turning to face me, she gave me that beautiful smile I loved so much. “Yeah. Our family would come here all the time and camp when we were little.”

That piqued my interest. “Do you like to camp?”

“I love it. I actually wish we did it more often. What about you? Are you all into camping?”

“Hell yeah!”

Skylar chuckled and shook her head. “I’m not surprised. You seem like the outdoors type.”

“Hiking is one of my favorite things to do. My father and I used to go all the time when I was little. I swear, I would stop and ask him what every tree was. He ended up having to buy all these books on trees and birds.”
