Page 19 of Beautiful

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“I think that’s amazing. Your parents seem like they’re really cool.”

With a wide grin, I nodded. “They are. Super supportive as well.”

Pulling into the park, I stopped at the booth.

The lady stepped out and smiled. “The park will be open a bit later tonight for the stargazing event, but the gates will lock at midnight.”

“Got it,” I said while I handed her the entrance fee.

We started driving in, and Skylar gasped. “Is that Mitch?”

Shit. I didn’t want to spoil her surprise.

“No, it couldn’t be. Why would he be here?” I replied, trying to throw her off.

She sat back and shook her head. “I swear, that was his truck.”

I had rented a campsite earlier today and asked Mitch to bring Skylar’s bike.

“Um…you’re going into one of the campground sites, Wyatt. We need to go to one of the open fields. You brought chairs, right?” she asked with a worried expression.

“I told you, I have it all under control. This is the surprise portion of your star date.”

“The star date you crashed.”

My heart dropped. Maybe Skylar was upset that I was here. Damn it. I hadn’t thought that maybe she would want to be alone.

Swallowing hard, I slowed down and pulled into the campsite. “Sky, if I had known you wanted to be alone, I wouldn’t have pushed myself into coming along. I’m so sorry. I should have asked you if it was okay that I tagged along with you tonight.”

Her eyes widened. “What? I don’t want to be alone. I’m always alone, and this last month, hanging out with you, has been great. Really great. I didn’t mean anything by that at all, I swear.”

My heart slammed against my chest. “It has been really great. What time is Skip going to call?”

Her face relaxed. “He’s going to call around nine thirty.”

Glancing at the clock, I smiled. We still had an hour of sunlight left, so we could ride the bikes around the park.

“Perfect. Come on!” Jumping out of the truck, I ran around to her side and opened the door. Reaching for her hand, I helped her out and said, “Close your eyes.”

Giggling, Skylar closed her eyes while I led her over to where Mitch had dropped off her bike.

“Hold on. I need to grab something out of the back of my truck. Don’t open your eyes.”

“Okay, I won’t.”

I could hear the excitement in her voice.

Grabbing my bike, I brought it over and put it next to hers. “Open your eyes, Sky.”

When she saw the bikes, she looked between them and me. “What’s going on?”

“Well, I thought we could ride bikes along the path while the sun was still up. Then, we could head on over and get set up for your star date with your brother. Maybe later, we could ride the bikes under the shooting stars.”

Her eyes glazed over, and her chin trembled.

Oh no, what did I do?

“Sky? Did I do or say something wrong?”

She sank her teeth into her lip and shook her head. “No…this is the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. I…I don’t know what to say.”

Walking up to her, I searched her face. The last thing I ever wanted to do was push her, but I needed to know what her lips felt like. Cupping her face with my hands, I gazed into those beautiful gray eyes. “Say I can kiss you, Sky. I want to kiss you so much.”

For once, I didn’t see sadness in those eyes. I saw something else that dared to let me believe that Skylar would finally let me in.

“Kiss me, Wyatt,” she whispered.

My stomach dropped as my heart pounded in my chest. Smiling, I leaned in closer, barely brushing my lips across hers. When I pressed my lips to her, I gently urged her to open her mouth to me. When she did, I swore, I died on the spot.

Skylar moaned lightly as our tongues moved in perfect harmony. Her hands came up and held on to my arms as I deepened the kiss.

When I finally pulled my lips back, both of our chests were heaving. Resting my forehead against hers, I closed my eyes. I’d kissed plenty of girls before, but I’d never experienced anything like I had just now.

If I hadn’t been sure before, I certainly was now. Skylar Woods owned my heart—forever.

Neither one of us said anything at first.

Then, Skylar whispered, “I’ve never been kissed like that before.”

Pulling my head back, I narrowed my eyes. Surely, Skylar had kissed Jacob before.

With a sweet smile, she saw my confusion and giggled. “I’ve been kissed before, yes, but it’s never felt like that…like my body completely melted into yours.”

“Angel, do you have any idea how you make me feel?”

She shook her head.

“Then, maybe I should show you again.”

My hand slid behind her neck, pulling her lips back to mine. As much as I wanted to pour everything into that kiss, I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. Her arms came up and wrapped around my neck. Bringing her body to me, I was sure she could feel how much I wanted her, but I didn’t care, not at the moment.
