Page 39 of Beautiful

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Jacob stared at me with a stunned face. “You’re not the only one who loves her.”

Laughing, I walked up to him. “Nah, dude, if you really loved her, you would never have done what you did to her.”

I reached down, grabbed my duffel bag, and headed out the door. Walking around the building, I put my hand out, closed my eyes, and leaned against the building. Trying to calm down, I started counting. It was something my old football coach in New Mexico would have us do when we got pissed off.

“Hey, Wyatt. What are you doing?”

Opening my eyes, I saw Jenny was leaning against the wall.

Damn, this girl never gives up.

Laughing, I shook my head and pushed off the wall. Without saying a word to her, I walked away. One of these days, she’d give up.

Taking my phone out, I hit Skylar’s number. Expecting it to go to voice mail, I got ready to leave the same message I had been leaving for weeks.


My heart jumped to my throat, and my mouth went dry. Clearing my throat the best I could, I choked out, “Hey. I wasn’t expecting you to answer.”

“I didn’t want you thinking I was with Jacob.”

My eyes closed while my chest felt like a weight was sitting on it. I was so confused by the signals Skylar had been sending me. She had been pushing me away, yet she wanted me to know she wasn’t with Jacob. My head was spinning.

“I didn’t. I saw him at the school gym.”


“Was something wrong with your car?” I knew it was small talk, but I’d talk about the damn weather if I had to. I’d do anything to talk to her, to hear her voice.

“Mitch said the alternator was going out…or something like that.”

I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. Working up the courage to ask her out to dinner, I dragged in a deep breath and was about to ask her when she started talking.

“Congratulations on Baylor. I haven’t had a chance to tell you that.”

With a soft sigh, I replied, “Thank you.”

“I need to run. My mother is waiting on me. It was nice talking to you.”

“Yeah. I’ll see ya around.”

Hitting End, I wanted to throw my phone. I had heard it in her voice. She missed me as much as I missed her.

Tomorrow, I would not give her an option. We were going to sit down and talk. I loved her, and I was going to tell her so. If she could look me in the eyes and tell me she didn’t love me, then I would walk away and never bother her again. Until that moment, I would not give up.

I was almost to my truck when I heard Jenny calling out, “Wyatt! Wait!”

“Son of a bitch. What does it take to get this girl to leave me alone?”

Opening the door, I threw my duffel bag in. Turning, I watched her run up. “What’s up, Jenny? I’m in a bit of a hurry.”

She smiled and glanced around, like she was waiting for someone. “I was wondering if you might want to go to prom with me?”

With a grimace, I stood there. “What?”

Standing up taller, she repeated her question, “I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me?”

I looked away and tried hard to think of a way to get it through her head that I wasn’t interested in her. When I focused back on her, her smile faded.

“Listen, Jenny, I don’t know any other way to tell you this other than to just come out with it. I’m not interested in you. I’m interested in Skylar. I care about her, and she is the only girl I want to be with.”

Her face fell. “Wh-what? She isn’t even talking to you. She ignores you!”

“Because of you and that little stunt you pulled. You can try all you want to keep us apart, but it’s not going to work. I don’t want to be such a dick, but honestly, please just move on because nothing is going to happen between us. I love Skylar, and I always will.”

She let out a sarcastic laugh. “You can’t be serious. You’re in love with a girl who slept with a guy and then cried rape? Who knows how many other guys she has been with? She’s a whore.”

Keeping my anger in check, I took stock in the person in front of me. I felt sorry for Jenny. She was obviously jealous of Skylar and made it her mission to hurt Skylar every chance she got.

“Sometimes, it does us good to look in the mirror before we start throwing stones, Jenny.”

Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to get going.”

Jenny placed her hands on her hips. “You are going to be so sorry you said that to me. You love your precious little Skylar? Well…let’s see how much you love her when I get proof of what a little whore she really is.”
