Page 41 of Beautiful

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I chewed on my lower lip as I let his words sink in. “We’d better get going, or we’ll both be late.”


I couldn’t stop thinking about what Mitch had said earlier. Every class I sat in, I wouldn’t hear a damn thing the teacher said. Each time I closed my eyes, I’d only see Wyatt.

Am I in love with him?

I already knew the answer was yes. I thought I had fallen in love with him the first time he smiled at me.

The bell rang, causing me to jump. Jacob walked by me and smiled. I returned it with a polite smile.

As I walked to my locker, I knew what I had to do—face my fears, open my heart, and trust that Wyatt would take care of it.

Standing at my locker, I took in a deep breath of air. Opening the door, a note fell to the floor. I wasn’t even reading them anymore, but for some reason, this one caught my eye. There was a photo in it. I looked around as I bent down to pick it up. Slowly unfolding it, I caught my breath when I saw a picture of Jenny leaning against a wall with Wyatt resting his hand on the wall above her head. He was laughing as she smiled up at him. My heart fell to my stomach.

My heart pounded in my chest, but I wasn’t going to jump to conclusions, not this time.

“You’ve finally pushed him away.”

I looked up and saw Michelle staring at me. “What?”

“Sky, did you think he would sit around and wait for you? It’s been months since you’ve really talked to him. He probably got tired of waiting around for you to come to your damn senses.”

I glared at my best friend. She was frustrated with me. I knew that. She was like Mitch. Neither one of them understood why I’d tried to keep Wyatt at arm’s length.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I replied, “Why are you saying that? You know why I’ve done what I’ve done. The talking and the hate notes will just get worse.”

She glanced down at the picture in my hands. “Because they have really stopped.”

I was about to respond when I saw Wyatt walking up to us. Quickly moving the picture behind me, I took in a deep breath.

“Hey, Sky. Can I talk to you for a minute?”

My eyes bounced over to Michelle. She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head.

Ugh. Did she have any idea how hard it had been to ignore Wyatt? No. She thought it was easy, but it had about killed me.

As much as I knew I needed to talk to Wyatt, this was not the place. If I told him I was leaving, maybe he would offer to walk me out to my car.

“Um…I was actually getting ready to leave. I have a dentist appointment.”

Wyatt smiled that drop-dead gorgeous smile of his, and my heart dropped to my stomach.

“May I walk you out?”

I looked around to see if anyone was watching us. “Um…sure.” Shutting my locker, I turned to Michelle. “I’ll call you later?”

She smiled and nodded her head. “You’d better believe you will. See ya around, Wyatt.”

“See ya,” Wyatt said while pushing his fingers through his hair and smiling.

Oh God, I’ve missed seeing him do that. I felt an ache between my legs, but I pushed it aside.

As we walked outside, Wyatt tried his best to make me laugh, and I tried my best not to be charmed by him, but I felt myself smile. I still needed to find out about the picture.

Wyatt grabbed me by the arm and stopped walking. “Skylar, please. Please stop avoiding me. I can’t take it. All I do is think about you, and it’s killing me to see you walk through these halls every day. I miss you. I miss your laugh, your smile, your touch…the way your lips felt against mine.”

I wanted to fall into his arms. I wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay. But that familiar feeling of being scared crept up. “What about Jenny?” I asked, pulling my arm from him and walking again. For some reason, I felt the need to get away from here as soon as I could.

Wyatt let out a sigh as he walked next to me. “Jesus Christ, Skylar, will you stop with that? You know nothing is going on with her.”

He was right. I did know that. I stopped and turned to look at him.

I noticed someone standing at the top of the stairs, but Wyatt walked closer to me and blocked my view. He grabbed my face, bent down, and kissed me. His soft lips pressed against mine, and I found myself getting lost in the passion of his kiss. I slowly moved my hands up. Wrapping my arms around him to deepen the kiss, I felt as if I was finally letting go of my insecurities. I didn’t care who saw us kissing. All I knew was, I was in Wyatt’s arms again.
