Page 42 of Beautiful

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“She’s a damn good kisser, isn’t she?”

Fear filled my body as I pulled away from Wyatt and spun around. It was him—Charlie. My heart raced faster, and my head started spinning.

It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. I couldn’t breathe.

“Yes, she is,” Wyatt softly said.

I turned and looked at him as he looked at me with such love in his eyes. He smiled. He had no idea who this was. Looking past Wyatt, I saw Jenny standing there. She looked pissed.

My attention was drawn back to Charlie when I heard him laugh. That wicked, evil laugh had been haunting my dreams for months.

Why is Charlie here? What is Jenny doing outside? Did she follow us? Is she meeting Charlie?

I couldn’t stand the thought of being so close to him. When he smiled at me, my whole body trembled.

“I have to go.” I pushed my way past Charlie and ran to my car.

Wyatt called out for me, but I needed to get away. Jumping into my car, I started it and drove off.

By the time I got to my house, I could hardly breathe. My phone buzzed with a text message. Figuring it was Wyatt wondering why I’d rushed off, I grabbed it and opened it.

It was from an unknown sender. The second I saw the picture, my whole world stopped.

“Oh. My. God. No…”


* * *


FUCK. JUST WHEN I get her to talk to me, she freaks again.

I watched as Skylar ran to her car and jumped in.

I looked back at the guy who was staring at her as she drove away. He turned and looked past me. He winked and smiled at someone. Spinning around, I saw Jenny standing on the steps.

Oh, great, just what I need.

“Take it from me, dude. She’s a good fuck, if you haven’t already figured that out.” The guy threw his head back and laughed.

What the hell?

“What did you say?” I asked while taking a step closer to him.

I felt someone touch my arm. I turned to see Jenny standing there.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me. “Wyatt, let’s go for a ride. I could really use something to eat and drink. Please?”

My eyes bounced between her and the guy. “What do you mean, she’s a good fuck? Who?”

He smiled a cocky-ass smile at me.

Holy shit. This is Charlie.

“Sky, of course. She’s probably the best lay I’ve ever had.” He looked at Jenny and winked. “No offense, Jen. You were good, too, babe.”

“Shut the hell up, Charlie. You’re such an asshole.”

My head was spinning. What in the hell is happening?

I felt my hands balling up into fists. I was going to kill this motherfucker. I moved toward him, only to have Mitch step in between us.

He put his hand on my chest and looked at me. “He’s not worth it, Wyatt. Let’s just go find Sky. I’m worried about her.”

I stopped and looked at him. “She went to the dentist…didn’t she?”

Mitch shook his head. “No. Michelle said she got another note. I think she took off somewhere.”

With a confused expression, I asked, “What do you mean, another note?”

Mitch glared at Jenny. “Let’s just go. I’ll tell you when we get to the truck.”

Jenny reached for my arm, but I jerked it away. “Wyatt, wait! I have to talk to you. You have to let me explain. Please.”

Shaking my head, I stared at her. I couldn’t even stand to be near her. All she ever tried to do was trap me into situations. “Why? So, you can fabricate another picture?”

A tear slipped from her eye. “Please just let me explain.”

“I need to find Skylar. You’re the least of my worries right now.”

Mitch and I jogged to his truck.

After we got in, he started to tell me everything, “Skylar has been getting notes ever since the thing with Charlie. Some of them were threats, but most were just downright mean and hateful. They slowed down until you moved here and started hanging with her. Then, they started back up.”

My heart was breaking as Mitch kept talking. Knowing that Skylar had been going through all of this alone gutted me.

“In her own weird way, she thought if she pushed you away, people would go back to ignoring her and leave you alone. It killed her to do it.”

“Shit,” I mumbled. “Why didn’t she tell me about the notes?”

Mitch shook his head. “She hasn’t even told our parents. Only Michelle and I know.”

“I want to kill that fucker. When he told me she was a good fuck, I wanted to kill him.”

“Imagine how Skip and I feel. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to stop myself from going after that asshole. Skip almost did kill him. Beat his ass so bad that he ended up in the hospital. Charlie was supposed to be his best friend, and he raped our sister. Every day of my life, I fight the urge to kill him.”
