Page 43 of Beautiful

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We drove around for over an hour, looking for Skylar. I looked out the window, wondering where in the hell she went. “Mitch, where do you think she is?”

“I have no clue, Wyatt. She could be anywhere.”

Closing my eyes, I whispered, “Angel, where are you?” Then, it hit me. “Shit. The lake. Mitch, she’s at the lake.”

“The lake?”

Mitch turned his truck around, and we headed out toward Inks Lake State Park. I was willing his truck to drive faster. Something told me I needed to get to her fast.

Mitch’s phone went off with a text message. “See if that’s Sky.”

I opened the text message and instantly felt sick to my stomach. “Motherfucker. Pull over, Mitch. Pull over now!”

Mitch pulled over, and I threw his phone on the seat as I jumped out of the truck. Leaning over, I started throwing up.

The next thing I knew, Mitch was cursing like a sailor behind me. Then, I heard him on the phone.

Why? Why would anyone send that picture? Sick motherfuckers.

“Dad, someone is sending a picture of Skylar around. They’ve posted it everywhere!No, Dad. It’s Skylar…naked, and it looks like someone is…someone is…” Mitch started crying. “Why, Dad? Why would anyone post that picture? I don’t know where she is, Dad. Wyatt thought she might be out at the lake.”

I listened to Mitch talk to his father for a few minutes longer. I waited for him to finish before I walked back to his truck. I’d never in my life felt so angry yet so devastated at the same time.

My poor angel.

Dragging in a deep breath, I went to get into the truck when I noticed another truck driving by with the music blaring. When I looked at the driver, I saw it was Charlie.

Where in the hell is he going?

Skylar. He must know where she is.

Quickly jumping into Mitch’s truck, I yelled for him to get in and drive. He looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“Mitch! Now!”

“Um, Dad, listen, I have to go. I’ll call you right back. Dad, I know! We’ll find her, but I’ve got to go right now!” He hung up and looked at me. “What in the hell, Wyatt?”

“Charlie just drove by. I think I know exactly where Skylar is. She was there the first time I saw her outside of school. She said she went there to think and be alone.”

Mitch pulled out and gunned it. “How would Charlie know where it was?”

“I don’t know. She might not even be there.”

“He’s not supposed to be anywhere near her. She has a restraining order against him.”

“Then, punch it, dude. We need to find her before he does.”

Mitch drove so fast that my knuckles where white from holding on, and I swore, he said every cuss word known to man and some I’d never heard before.

I told him about the area where Skylar and I’d first officially talked. When he pulled in, we both saw Skylar’s car…and Charlie’s truck.

If he touches her, I’m going to break his neck.

Jumping out of the truck before Mitch, I ran toward Skylar’s car.

Mitch ran up behind me. “Where is she?” he asked as he looked all around.

My heart had never beat so hard in my chest before.

Please let her be okay.

I took my phone out and called her, but it went right to voice mail. Then, I heard her.

Mitch took off running before I even had a chance to move.

Grabbing his arm, I pulled him to a stop. “Wait! I have an idea.”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “What? Are you kidding me? My sister is alone with the fucker who raped her!”

I pushed out a deep breath. Just hearing that made me want to kill Charlie. “I need you to trust me. When we get there, turn on the video on your cell phone, and keep it facing Charlie.”

Mitch looked at me with a confused expression.

“Trust me,” I urged.

He nodded his head and motioned for me to start walking.

I headed toward Skylar’s voice. She sounded like she was shouting.

If that asshole hurts her at all, I swear, he won’t live to see the light of day.

As we came around a tree, I saw Skylar first. Her hands were balled up in fists, and she was shouting at Charlie. I saw Mitch out of the corner of my eye, and he looked like he was ready to attack and kill Charlie.

“Why? Why would you post that photo, Charlie? What reason could you possibly have for posting it? I’m passed out in the picture!”

“Sky, I didn’t post it! I think Jenny saw it on my phone one night after we’d had sex, and she must have sent it to herself. Do you really think I want that picture out there? It only proves…”

They were both so busy shouting that neither one of them noticed us walking up.
