Page 47 of Beautiful

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“Our next hurdle—well, after going to school tomorrow—will be trying to convince my parents about Italy.”

With an evil grin, Wyatt replied, “Leave that to me. I have a feeling I can sweet-talk them into it.”

Pulling my head back in surprise, I said, “You have met my parents. This is not going to be easy.”

With a sexy grin and a wink that melted my heart, he replied, “Oh, how I love a challenge.”


* * *


THE KNOCK ON my bedroom door caused me to glance up from the book I was reading for English class. “Come in.”

My father slowly opened the door and poked his head in. “Hey. You have a couple of minutes?”

Setting the book down, I nodded. “Yeah, have you found out anything?”

“About an hour ago, Charlie admitted that he slipped GHB into Skylar’s drink. He wanted her to be awake enough during it, but he thought she would never remember anything. Clearly, he hadn’t given her enough for her not to remember. I looked at the statement she gave after it’d happened. She said she woke up to Charlie raping her. She could talk, but she couldn’t move, and then she passed out again.”

I could feel the anger beginning to build up as I thought about what Charlie had done to Skylar. “What kind of a monster does that?” I numbly said.

“A kind who was obsessed with her and thought he would get what he was after. When he realized Skylar was going to remember, he went home and told his father, who came up with the idea to say they’d had consensual sex, but after it happened, Skylar felt guilty for cheating on her boyfriend.”

“Jacob,” I said.

Skylar had been dating Jacob at the time.

“Couldn’t they have tested Skylar for the drug?” I asked.

My father frowned. “Here is where it gets beyond crazy. Charlie’s father paid off someone at the hospital to say there was no GHB in Skylar’s system when, in fact, there was.”

Standing, I began to pace. “How much power does this man have? Paying off people at the hospital, going to kids’ houses and threatening them and their parents.”

My father drew in a deep breath and slowly let it out. “It appears he only had to go to a few houses—mostly, the football players’. He knew how much they could get other kids to sway in the direction he wanted. With a few promises of scholarships and a couple threatening words, kids were soon turning against Skylar. All it took was a few, and then the rest, I’m sad to say, followed with no proof, no real facts…just a he-said-she-said.”

Pushing my hand through my hair, I let out a frustrated groan. “I hate that this happened to her, but the truth is out. Now, when she walks through the halls tomorrow, I hope all those assholes feel like shit, knowing what they did.”

My father hit me on the back. “I know, son. And I also know how mad it makes you that Skylar was treated the way she was. Just remember to keep your cool. There still might be some kids who want to continue down the path of trying to bully her, especially because they know they were wrong and they don’t like being wrong. Tell Skylar to keep her head up, and things will most likely clear up pretty fast. Kids will be talking tomorrow because of the picture and Charlie’s confession. Just be there for Skylar.”

“I will. Her parents are going to the school tomorrow to find out why no one ever did anything about the bullying. I mean, it was pretty much just notes and trash talk when no teachers were around. Skylar’s dad was ready to kill someone earlier.”

My father chuckled. “I can imagine. After you called and told us everything, I called Skylar’s father, Paul. We talked for a good length of time, and I let him know that I’d be more than happy to answer any questions they might have.”

Reaching my hand out, I shook my father’s hand. “Thanks, Dad. Skylar means the world to me, so thank you for all of this.”

With a smile, he hit the side of my arm. “I know she does, son. I know she does.”


I tossed and turned all night. Finally, at three in the morning, I sent a text to Skylar.

Me: I was thinking about you, sleeping beauty. I hope you see this when you first wake up.

Less than a minute later, my phone buzzed.

Sky: I can’t sleep. My mind is spinning, and I’m worried about what people are going to say at school. That picture was very graphic. People, like Jenny, are going to have a field day with it.

Me: Don’t worry. I promise it’s going to be okay. It will be overshadowed with Charlie’s confession.

Sky: I hope so. It’s so degrading. I can’t stop thinking of something though. Who posted it?
