Page 97 of Beautiful

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An evil-looking smile slowly spread over her face. “A plan to get you and Michelle back together. And it all starts at your sister’s engagement party.”

My chest felt tight at the thought of winning Michelle back. “I don’t think it will work. She has a boyfriend.”

Beth laughed. “Please. The rebound boyfriend? Those never last. He’s a piece in the chess game, Mitch. A pawn that we can easily knock off the board. A player who thinks he has a part in this game, but he doesn’t.”

I stared at Beth with a dumbfounded look on my face. “Who are you right now?”

She leaned back in her chair and winked. “I’m your new best friend. Your old girlfriend is going to think I’m your new girlfriend, and that’s going to make her second-guess her current boyfriend. Then, she’ll want to be your new, old girlfriend again. But she’s not going to know we’re just friends.”

What in the hell is she talking about?


Beth rolled her eyes. “You and I are going to go to Skylar and Wyatt’s engagement party together. We’ll show up late so that we know Michelle is for sure there. We’ll walk in like we don’t have a care in the world. We won’t act like we’re together—because we’re not—but we won’t act like we’re not together. You picking up what I’m putting down?”

“I’m afraid to say yes because then that’ll mean I understand what you’re rattling on about.”

Laughing, Beth kept going, “We’re going to act like best friends because I have a feeling we’re going to grow to be great friends. But, in Michelle’s mind, she’s going to see us showing up together, hanging out with each other. Maybe you’ll place your hand on my lower back and guide me through the room a time or two—things like that. Trust me when I say, if she thinks you’ve moved on, it will cause her to second-guess her own decision to move on.”

I frowned. “I don’t know, Beth. I don’t want to lie.”

“We’re not lying. We are totally going as friends.”

“What if someone asks if we are together?”

She laughed and rolled her eyes at the idea of it.

“I’m being serious. You know Sky is going to be the first one to ask.”

Again, she laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked, frustrated.

As she leaned forward, her smile dropped. “That is our answer. We laugh it off like it is absurd. Like the idea itself makes us laugh, which it actually does.”

The corner of my mouth moved up into a slight smile. “You’re a genius. We’re totally going to the party as friends.”

“Totally. Friends only. Carpool buddies because I actually could use a ride to Marble Falls. Craig is going to meet me there, and I was going to drive back with him.”

I pointed to her. “Yes! That’s perfect. Carpool buddies.”

“Movie buddies!”

I went to agree but shut my mouth and thought for a quick moment before asking, “Movie buddies?”

She shrugged. “Yeah, there’s a new Julia Roberts movie I really want to see. You busy tonight?”

For the first time in months, I actually wanted to go out and do something. Knowing that Beth was not interested in anything more than a friendship was refreshing.

I let out a roar of laughter and nodded my head. “What time should I pick you up and where?”

Pulling out her phone, she typed something and then asked for my cell number. I gave it to her, and a second later, my phone beeped with her address and the time to pick her up.

Beth stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Craig is expecting to FaceTime with me for some little Internet sex. See ya later, buddy.”

My eyes widened in shock while my mouth dropped open. I was too stunned to say anything as I watched Beth walk off.

She lifted her hand and called out, “Lunch on me next time!”

“This friendship ought to be interesting,” I mumbled as I stood up and threw some money down on the table before heading back to my dorm.


* * *


MY CHEEKS WERE beginning to cramp from smiling so much. Quickly glancing around, I found Wyatt. He was across the living room, talking to a family friend. Another scan across the room and into the dining room had me shaking my head. I swore, my parents had invited everyone they knew. A few of my and Wyatt’s friends were sprinkled in here and there, but most of the guests were my parents’ friends.

“Skylar, have you heard from your brother?”

Turning to see my mother wearing a wide smile, I wondered if her cheeks were cramping as well. “He sent a text saying he was running late but would be here soon.”

She rolled her eyes. “How are you two twins?”

With a chuckle, I took a sip of my iced tea.

As if right on cue, Mitch walked through the front door…with Beth Wrangler. I had invited her and known she also went to the UT, but I’d had no idea she and Mitch were coming together.
