Page 19 of Just For Her

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Both of Kayla’s hands wrapped around Tove’s elbow. “It’s okay. You don’t have to answer. I’m used to being alone, too. Even when I’m surrounded by people…” She sighed. “Gets lonely, doesn’t it?”

“I suppose.”

“Look, I get it. I’m some nobody who is mixed up in this accident with your cousin. You’ve got to protect the family name and coffers. Why else would they kick me in your direction? Your cousin shoved me into his car and took me straight to your office. Could be fate, though. Are you the kind of woman to go with the flow, Tove?”

“Depends on where the flow is taking me.”

One hand uncurled from Tove’s arm. It did not return to Kayla’s side. Instead, a pair of fingers gently marched up toward Tove’s shoulder.This isn’t happening.With the power out, Tove’s house had never been so silent. Gone was the hum of the fridge, the clanking of her heater, and whatever talking heads decorated her TV screen. She had to close her eyes to hear the analog clock on the wall and the light thump of Chase as he hopped down from a table and meandered toward his food bowl.

“I like to go with the flow,” Kayla continued. “I also like to look for signs. You know, when I first saw you in your office, I couldn’t help but think what a cool woman you were. I mean that, too.”


“You know. In control. I like a person who can take control of a situation. It’s good to know who is trustworthy in a new town.” Kayla bridged the last few inches between them. Her mouth was close enough to feel the heat of her breath on Tove’s cheek.Don’t succumb.No longer did Tove doubt her instincts. This woman – thisstranger –was coming on to her. Why? Tove couldn’t know. Not yet. Perhaps there was some grand plan for Kayla to wring the money out of anyone with the last name of Fredriksson. Maybe she only wanted sex, a fling to sustain her as she settled into a new home. Or maybe she was a nymphomaniac who would sleep with anyone, including Tove.

Even me.

“I’m not really like that all the time. My family brings it out in me.”

Tove did not push Kayla away as she hooked her hand over her hostess’s shoulder and threw her weight forward, trapping Tove against the couch. The countdown until Tove’s death began. “That’s okay. I still found it attractive. There’s a time and a place.”

Attractive? Jesus.If this were any other circumstance, one that began with the cards on the table, this would be Tove’s turn to flirt back with Kayla. Tove could start by saying“And I find you attractive, Ms. Smith,”as if that were all it took to seal the deal on one night of passion.Then I’d kiss her. Feel her up. Take off her clothes and then take her right on this couch.Tove had never done that before. Even when she was in long-term relationships in her twenties, she never once had sex on the couch. Let alonethisone.

In her own house. A place where she could theoretically do whatever she wanted, assuming the other woman was willing.

“Do you want me to back off?” Kayla pressed up against Tove. The room was dark, but Tove’s eyes had adjusted, and a mere turn of her head presented her with the keyhole in Kayla’s bodice. Tove didn’t have to take off this woman’s dress to access her chest. It was right there. Ready for the taking.

“This is pretty fast,” Tove said. Not yes. Not no. She flung the ball back into Kayla’s court as if she couldn’t believe this was happening.She could be grinding in my lap and giving me a hickey and I’d still wonder if she was flirting with me!Some things had not changed since Tove was young. Then again, no woman had ever been this bold and forward twenty-five years ago.

“As I said, I believe in taking advantage of the moment.”

“I thought you said you like to go with the flow?”

“Same difference. Guess there’s something about tonight, now that I’ve settled down a bit. Because I was looking forward to seeing you tonight, Tove.” Kayla let the blanket slip down her lap as she crossed her bare legs. What had been impractical for the cold winter’s night now warmed Tove right up. “I told you that I like girls. I said that I’ve been attracted to you since I first stumbled into your office. Tonight was my chance to get a good look at you. If you could help me out, even better. It’s scary being the new girl in town. My friends can only help me out so much. There’s something to be said for making my own… connections.”

Her knee dropped against Tove’s leg. Was the fact that she did not immediately get up and shove Kayla aside imply her consent?I don’t know.Tove wanted to. This gorgeous young woman had been served up to her on a platter only Mother Nature found in the kitchen. Why didn’t she take a bite?

Because she was worried? Because it was somehow wrong? How old was Tove, anyway?

My family members make dumber decisions every day.She saw it all the time. She was expected to solve the problems that arose from such poor decision-making.

When would it beherturn to be foolish?

“You’re a bold woman,” Tove said with renewed confidence. “I’m almost inclined to think you’ve been sent here by otherworldly forces.”

“Oh? For what reason?”

Tove braved hooking her finger in the keyhole of Kayla’s dress. She was not met with indifference or even discomfort. Instead, Kayla curled her whole body up against Tove, urging her finger to delve deeper into the warm and welcoming cleavage of an outsider.

“To fuck with me.”

“You could drop one of those words. Only three are needed.”

That was what broke Tove Fredriksson, the most logical and reliable member of her family. Once her lips bent to the will of gravity and landed on Kayla’s, it was all over. She was as stupid as the rest of them.

Already, it was an addictive way to live.

Chapter 6
