Page 21 of Just For Her

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But she was getting ahead of herself.

Tove, however, had no problems speaking coherently when she wanted. “Take off your dress.” She kissed the patch of skin exposed in the keyhole. “You’re not squirming enough.”

It took Kayla a moment to realize what Tove meant. In a dress like this, nobody could get to her breasts without taking the whole thing off. How was Kayla supposed to do that? She had to lift herself off the couch and grab the hem of her dress, two movements that pushed Tove’s fingers deeper inside. Kayla was always brought back to that fact whenever she slightly moved, whether it was to hoist her dress up her torso or to find her fragile footing when bracing against the floor. As her sounds became increasingly guttural and primitive, Tove was forced to help get the dress over Kayla’s head if she wanted to see the rest of that body.

“Look who’s naked on my couch.” Tove pushed up the sleeve of her sweater as she wrapped her arm around Kayla’s shoulders and foisted them both diagonally across the couch. She pushed her face into Kayla’s cleavage, the wordFinallymuffled by sweaty skin and a bra that was soon maneuvered out of the way so Tove could make love to Kayla’s nipples as well.

It was utterly, fantastically overwhelming.

Kayla’s sounds soon bloomed into fervent cries of delight.I can’t believe I’m doing this.That thought flashed through her mind as often asI don’t know why I waited so long.She had only met Tove a week ago, and already a whole week without her had been too long. If Kayla had known this was how Tove made love when they first met… no, Thomas hadn’t stood a chance. Kayla should have pushed him aside and hopped on the corner of Tove’s desk the moment she had the chance.

“Do you love it?” Notlike,butlove.That was the word already flung in Kayla’s face.

Words, though? She expected Kayla to saywords?“Yes…” That was it. That’s all Tove got as Kayla struggled to ford the river of random sounds cascading from her brain to her throat. “Yes, I…”

Four words in a row. It was too much to ask for.

“Yes, I love it.”

A terse grin formed against Kayla’s clavicle, as if Tove prepared to bite those ravenously primitive sounds her new prey screamed.What have I gotten myself into?Kayla liked it. She also feared it, in a healthy way her mother had instilled into her when she was a girl.

“Do you want to come?”

At least Kayla knew the easy answer to that. “Yes!”

Tove buried her finger as deep as it could go. Kayla, exposed to the house out on a country road, desperately hoped that the power wouldn’t come back and ruin the moment.

“You want it right now, don’t you?” Tove teased.


“How cute.” Tove’s hand stopped moving, but the sensations she created continued. Kayla was right on the edge. She was prepared to scream praises and completely lose her mind in the middle of this darkened living room. Whatever it took to lock Tove down. “You think you get to come into my house on a Wednesday night, take off your dress, and drown in me. It’s not that simple.”

“What do you mean?”

Tove removed her finger. Kayla remained where she lay against the couch, her legs still open, but her mind as confused as ever. “Where’s mine, sweetheart?”

Thiswas the real make-it-or-break-it moment, in which they either forged forward into a depraved relationship or parted ways, never to cross paths again – so help the outsider. Kayla had about five seconds to come up with a satisfying reply. It wasn’t just pleasure on the line.

It was every white lie she had told Tove so far, coming to collect.

“In the bedroom,” Kayla whispered. “Take me there, and whatever you want, it’s yours.”

Tove relaxed, her teeth digging into her bottom lip. “I think you know what I want.”

“My body?”

Two hands – one wet, one about to be – grabbed Tove by the hips and pulled her close enough for Tove to kiss. “Among other things that you possess.”

It was like Tove threw Kayla’s plans back in her face.

The bedroom was adjacent to the living area, meaning Kayla didn’t have to wait long to fall onto the queen-sized mattress and accept a hungry woman on top of her. Yet it also didn’t give her much time to process everything Tove had insinuated so far.She wants me…That much was obvious when Tove tossed her sweater onto the floor and continued kissing a trail down Kayla’s bare stomach.I think I want her.That lean figure wasn’t easy to see in the night-covered room, but right now, Kayla’s attraction transcended sexual beauty. She was already enamored with the sheerenergyemanating from a woman who was used to getting her way around town. On a man, it wasn’t attractive, although Kayla would have put up with it for the sake of her plan. Coming from a woman, though? One who was otherwise mild-mannered when keeping things casual? Professional?

Dear God.

The only time Kayla had to close her legs was on the walk to the bedroom. Otherwise, she was born to exist in nothing but some form of spread eagle, her hands grabbing pillows and the top comforter as Tove’s tongue finished the trail to treasure and never left. Kayla could hardly breathe – she certainly didn’t know how Tove did, since the snowy night knew that she rarely came up for air. Tove’s lovemaking style was a mix of direct and impactful… or teasingly deranged. She always kept Kayla right on the brink of orgasm, and for the first time in her life, she understood the concept ofedging.It really was like stepping precariously close to the edge of a deep ravine, pebbles slipping away from beneath Kayla’s feet until she eventually fell to her “little death,” as the French called it. Yet pebbles tumbled down, and she did not. It was as if Kayla always took a small enough step back to feel like she never moved at all.

She wanted to fall forward. Instead, she became weightless, floating over the ravine in a suspended state of delayed gratification.
