Page 23 of Just For Her

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She freshened up in the bathroom while her cats brushed up against her legs and pans clanged out in the kitchen.Is she really making breakfast?Tove petted her cats after she finished washing her face. The hairbrush was soon on top of her head, making everything presentable again before she donned some loose-fitting pajamas and joined Kayla out in the living room.When was the last time someone made me breakfast? Her, of all people?

That wasn’t a diss as much as it was genuine wonder. Kayla had not come off as the type to make someone breakfast.

Yet that was the scent of herb-infused scrambled eggs and toast about to pop.

“I tried finding some bacon or sausage,” Kayla said with a shrug, “but I didn’t see any.”

Tove sat at her dining table. Coffee percolated in the air.Didn’t stop her from finding my good coffee, though.“I don’t have either of those things,” she said. “I’m a vegetarian.”

“Oh.” Kayla turned off the front burner on the stove. “I should have guessed! You’re cool with cheese in the eggs, right?”

“As I said,” Tove mentioned, “I’m vegetarian, not vegan.” Maybe in another life. The last time she tried going vegan, it proved too much for her. Plus, she had yet to find a decent cheese substitute that didn’t upset her stomach.The greatest of ironies. I’m not lactose intolerant at all, but fake cheese wrecks me.Instead, she spent her extra money on eggs and dairy from more reputable sources – and it cost her some spare pennies.

“Right. Trust me, I get the difference! I’m from Portland.”

Tove finally found the energy to get up and feed her cat children, who hadn’t given up their infinite quest to consume wet food. The task required squeezing past Kayla and opening the fridge, where the leftover can from the night before waited. Except it took her long enough to grab it that Nemo poked his head into the fridge and almost got locked in.

Her breakfast was on the table by the time she finished getting the cats in order.

“Do you think I’ll be able to go home?” Kayla gazed out the window as Tove mixed creamer into her coffee. “Doesn’t look like anything melted. Guess it’s not above freezing.”

“No, I doubt it’ll get high enough to make a significant dent. Even if we dug out your car, the road is probably a sheet of ice. Sorry.”

“I see. Don’t suppose the road is treated at all?”

Tove guffawed on her first bite of toast. “It’s a county road so… no. We’re on our own out here until it either melts or we get our cars in order. Unless it gets worse, I’ll probably head into town tomorrow with my chains. As it stands right now…” She sighed. “I’ll have to rearrange some of my meetings. I’ve got two today.” She didn’t mention who, but one of them was Aunt Kiersten, who needed her hand held through a progressive tax bracket talk.For some reason, she doesn’t think her most recent inheritance should be taxed.Aunt Kiersten was about to have her mind blown.

“Crap.” Kayla’s face fell for the first time since Tove saw her that morning. “Oh, well. Guess we know how to stay occupied now.”

She was flirting again? This early in the day?

“You know…” Indeed she was, as apparent when she crossed her arms in front of her plate. “Last night was some of the most surprising fun I’ve had in a long time.”

Tove sipped her coffee. “It was unexpected.” Yet she couldn’t stop replaying some of the key parts in her mind, now that it was more awake.That body… Jesus.Tove had such a soft spot for curves. Yet as much as she appreciated a great hourglass figure, there was something to be said for what Kayla had going on beneath her clothes.Those hips…The ones supposedly hurting from being “tapped” by Thomas’s car. As Tove had said the night before… didn’t seem to be hurting too muchnow.

But maybe she thought too deeply about it. So far, Kayla had been the definition of “what you see is what you get.” Did having sex with her raise the level of trust between them? Should Tove believe that Kayla was genuine when she said she had been “thirsting” after the other woman since they first met?

Some things seemed too good to be true, after all.

“Those are always the best memories.” Kayla pulled her gaze away from the view of the snow-covered backyard. “The unexpected ones, I mean.”

Tove brushed toast crumbs away from her mouth. “Thanks for making breakfast, by the way. Glad I had the ingredients. I honestly don’t remember the last time I went to the store, and I’m not braving it until most of the roads are cleared.”

“So, you don’t want to talk about it?”

“About what?”

With her coffee cup in her hands, Kayla leaned back, the dining chair creaking with her beguiling movements. “Last night. Don’t know about you, but that was some of the wildest sex I’ve ever had. Let alone with someone I barely know…”

Tove hid her blushing behind a forkful of eggs. “The wildest?” she asked.

“Can’t say I’ve had a lot of women respond to my flirtations like that. Let alone after they got me in their bedroom.”

Tove may not have been a morning person, but between that kind of talk and the coffee now hitting her system, she was more open to remembering the finer points of her night with Kayla. “I feel like I should explain some of my behavior,” she said, head hanging. “Because I must have caught you really off guard with what I’m like in bed.”

“Off guard? Sure. I can’t say I hated it, though. Quite the opposite.” Kayla put down her coffee but remained in the back of her chair. One of her bare legs crossed the other and dangled in Tove’s direction. Was she already flirting again? “You really took me to town, Ms. Fredriksson.”

Yes, Tove had. While she wouldn’t apologize for that, she still desired to explain what had happened between kissing Kayla for the first time and ending up on top of her with a strap-on that had been waiting for the perfect opportunity to be used.Literally, still unused.Tove always knew she had a reason for buying that thing when she was drunk on white wine three years ago.Strap-on on the first date… classic Tove.She was aware that she didn’t look the type.
