Page 59 of Just For Her

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Kayla tucked her hair behind her ears and rubbed her shoulder up against Tove’s. “Does that go for me as well?”

“Huh? Do you sway my money?”

“Sure. You’re always buying me dinner and spoiling me with presents.” She whispered directly into Tove’s ear, “Like acrylic rods and fuzzy handcuffs.”

Tove was not easily set off balance in public, and this moment was no different. She hooked her arm around Kayla’s waist and said, “Maybe I can’t help it. Having someone like you to spoil for the first time in years has me feeling certain ways.”

Ways that make you want to marry me?Kayla wrapped both arms around Tove, careful not to spill the wine still in her girlfriend’s hand. Fine thing if it got all over Kayla’s white sweater and bright yellow dress. “As it so happens, I love being spoiled. Let’s blow this joint as soon as we can and go spoil each other at your place.” Kayla had plans. She was currently at stage… oh, what was it? Three? Of four?I hooked her, I’ve sunk her, and now I’ve got to get her to commit.They were going steady, that was a fact. Tove showed no signs of disinterest, even if her girlfriend was a waitress who lived with a friend. Yet Kayla knew that it was only a matter of time before the family got to Tove, or she discovered something about Kayla that made her unhappy. What that could be?It doesn’t matter. Could be my brother’s job. Could be what high school I graduated from.The Fredrikssons were a fickle bunch. Kayla wanted to be atleastloosely engaged by the reunion at the end of the month. Stick it to Aunt Kiersten the old-fashioned way!

Yet before they got engaged, Kayla knew certain words had to be exchanged.That’s right. Over three months so far and no L words.They had almost been uttered by Kayla more than once, but she had to be careful. If she said “I love you” too soon, it might scare Tove off. Kayla wasn’t convinced that her feelings for Tove were genuine enough that she could expertly convey such words with vigor.

Everything had to be done just so. Kayla couldn’t risk her future now.

“Tove.” That harsh pronunciation of Kayla’s girlfriend’s name had Tove looking away with scorn. There was June, dressed like a Mennonite on such a warm day. “Aunt Kiersten wants you in the receiving room in ten minutes. A few of us are needed for a discussion about the reunion.” She glanced at Kayla. “Please come alone. It’s a private family conversation.”

“Oh, no doubt. Thanks, June.” Kayla giggled when Tove gave her an extra tight hug. “Ten minutes. Receiving room. Got it.”

Kayla didn’t finish making sounds until June was gone. “What’s that about, huh?”

“Don’t worry about it. Bullshit formalities about the reunion.”

“Remind me again… am I going?”

“Yes, but I’ve booked us a room at a hotel my family owns.”

“Of course they own a hotel. Do you get a discount for that, too?”

“Absolutely. It’s the only reason to have a room there at all.”

“Tell me… does Kiersten sleep in Grandma’s room when commandeering the roost?”

“Oh, yes. She might be the first one to stay there since we were there.”

Kayla grinned. “Good thing we changed the sheets back.”

She remained glued around her girlfriend until Tove insisted she should get to the receiving room, wherever that was. Alone with the remnants of the family not invited to Aunt Kiersten’s private gathering, Kayla helped herself to more of the complimentary drinks (non-alcoholic, of course, since nobody in the family gave out wine or beer for free) and loaded up a paper plate with some bite-sized fruits. As pineapple juices threatened to drip off her plate, she sat at a table by the railing that was soon occupied by two other familiar faces.

“You have to meet my wife,” Yulia said, her accent thick once more. Kayla didn’t think twice about it.If I had an accent Tove liked, I’d play it up all she wanted.Perhaps that sentiment was true for Yulia, who knew her American wife better than anyone. “This is my Stefani. Stefani, this is my new friend Kayla.” All right, Kayla had to admit that the way Yulia said her name with such emphasis on “kay” was attractive. “She is… how do you use the word… quake?”

“Quaint?” Stefani asked.

“Yes! Quaint. With a T.” Yulia’s big smile traveled from Stefani to Kayla, who wouldn’t say no to more company. “I hope it’s not a bad thing to say. You have to understand, my wife doesn’t like crowds of strangers.”

“Your wife doesn’t much like crowds of people she knows, either.” Stefani’s smile was much tenser than Yulia’s. “I’m sorry. I get anxiety quite easily.”

“No worries,” Kayla said. “I’m having some soda water and fruit. If I eat one after I drink the other, it’s like the water’s flavored.”

“Are you part of this big clan?” Stefani asked.

Kayla shook her head as if that were a preposterous question. “No, no. I mean, not yet. See, I only started dating Tove a few months ago, but things move quickly.”

Yulia reminded her wife which one Tove was. When the knowledge dawned on Stefani’s small face, she said, “Oh, yes, I know Tove quite well. I mean,wellfor this family. Her mother used to come by the vineyard all the time when I was a kid. Sometimes Tove was with her.”

“Really?” both Kayla and Yulia said at the same time – albeit with different energy.

“Sure. Her mom did lots of odd jobs for the family, which included picking up orders from my parents. It saved everyone more money to simply send a truck with some gas instead of hiring another company to do it, I guess. This was before the orders got more complicated, you know? Now we’re everywhere.”

“I didn’t know her mom did stuff like that,” Kayla said.
