Page 72 of Just For Her

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Making Kayla happy was at the top of Tove’s to-do list, after all.

And making her fiancée happy also meant treating her to a sample of what she could expect on the hotter nights of their marriage. Although Kayla teased her that they should wait for the proper wedding night, Tove only turned up her seductive charm.It works on her, doesn’t it?The rare times Kayla genuinely said no didn’t put Tove off, either. Women had their boundaries. Yet she didn’t think about the fact that it rarely went the other way.

Why would it? Since meeting Kayla, Tove was always ready. The thought of turning her down in bed only existed in a world of injury and illness. Things that could very well come for Tove at any time, so she wanted to get in all the loving she could – right now.

I’ll never feel this way again, will I?The rush of new, biting love, once hidden and verboten in Tove’s fifty years on Earth, was now a cause for celebration. Nobody could tell her what to do. Nobody could hang inheritance or help over her head. Tove was old enough to make her way with what funds she had. She could support Kayla, and even better if such a wife was willing to work part-time for her own savings.I’ll never meet someone like her again.It wasn’t only Kayla’s age. Tove didn’t doubt that there were other thirty-something women out there willing to make her feel twenty years younger. What she had with Kayla was visceral: it eradicated her memories of young love and lust, of times when she thought passion was the heated arguments during the day and the makeup sex at night.Back when I hid every part of myself from my family and thought that was independence in a brave new world.If Tove could go back to her younger self, what would she say? Wait?“You’ll meet the woman of your dreams when you’re fifty.”That wouldn’t work. What young woman wanted to hear that?“Get your practice in now so you can wow your future wife.”That made the girlfriends of back then sound like nothing more than mannequins.

“Everything you feel now will be magically multiplied in twenty years. You’ll have never felt so young.”

She hoped Kayla felt the same way.

Yet Tove wasn’t Kayla. She could only discern the feverish kisses, the sumptuous touches, and the screams of pleasure that eviscerated their honeymoon suite. One woman, no matter how good of an actress, could fake the way she descended into garbled sounds as she came, nor could she fake the trembling thighs and sweet requests for more.I’ve been with fakers. I’ve faked it myself.Tove would eat her lingerie before admitting that Kayla faked any of this.

It had to be love. At the very least, it must bereal.

Besides, would a woman who didn’t want this get on top of Tove and pleasure her in return? Would she put in that much effort?

They say you’re a gold digger, darling.Was that what Kayla did now, as she loomed over Tove and growled in delight? Was she searching for buried treasure when she dipped her fingers deep into the recesses of Tove’s body? Did she think that was the route to conquest?They say you’re only after your perception of me. That you would have gone with anyone in my family.Except Kayla preferred women. She had said so herself. Why would she lie about that? To get to someone who didn’t havethatmuch to give back?

Soon, Kayla would know everything – but if it was love, then wasn’t it fine?

A gold digger might want to get married ASAP, but she wouldn’t do half of the things Kayla did in the bedroom if they weren’t the golden tickets to trophy wifedom. Not once had Tove requested a relentless tongue, curious fingers, or an earnest try with a strap-on. Those had all been Kayla’s ideas and desires over the past four months. She may have been a self-declared pillow princess, but she knew how to make Tove feel special too.

So, it was love. Fast and maybe misguided love, but love, nonetheless.

When Tove drifted off to sleep on her last night single, a wonderful woman wrapped around her body, she was ready.

Get married. Start a new life. Embrace change and the thrill of being alive.

Here we go.It was good to be a “we” again.

Chapter 20

Onthedayofher wedding, Kayla donned the white tea dress that had fit her perfectly at the boutique. She stepped out of the hotel, garnering the positive attention of everyone glancing her way, and waited until she was in Tove’s car before fussing with the short veil attached to an understated tiara. Tove, who had opted for a lavender linen wedding suit, was casually chic with her hair pulled back and bold red lipstick that marked her as the lucky woman who got to marry Kayla that day.

Off to the freeway they went, ready to meet their guests and the wedding officiant at the state park.

Chrissy texted five minutes into the drive to announce that she and Huey were running late due to traffic but was determined to get there. Grady sent a short message that he and his wife had left the house. Tove insisted that she didn’t mind not having anyone from her side there. Even Thomas and Polly were likely to gab to the family, so it was best this way.

There was so much to go over, wasn’t there? When was the best time for Kayla to move in? The next week? How long until they told anyone that they had married? When was the best time to quit her job? Because it might be too obvious if she moved inandquit the brewery. Yet wasn’t it absolute bullshit she couldn’t take another week off for her honeymoon?Honestly, they’d probably give me unpaid time off to do that, but then someone would find out.The only people who needed to know right now were the state and Tove’s health insurance company.I’m getting off Medicaid. How about that?

She really was moving up in the world!

Yet those were questions to tackleafterthe ceremony, andaftertheir dinner reservations, andafterthey spent that night doing whatever it was married people did. Kayla looked forward to all of it. But she looked more forward to the promise of freedom this marriage offered.

The sun stayed out long enough that day for Kayla to reapply her facial sunscreen. Tove was the first out of the car, greeting the staff from the elopement company. Kayla eventually bounded out and spotted her bouquet in someone’s hands.Lilies and clover! Perfect!She hadn’t even known that was what she wanted before someone suggested it!

Chrissy and Huey were still late, but Grady was there in his old suit. He hugged his sister, whom he had barely seen since she was back in town, and shook Tove’s hand. Kayla couldn’t help but notice that her older brother was quiet for such a big day.

“I can’t believe this is how you guys meet each other,” Kayla said with a big smile and her arms wrapped around Tove’s. “That’s how fast this has all gone!”

Grady grimaced, but Tove pulled her arm out of Kayla’s grip for the sole purpose of holding her close. “There will be plenty of opportunities to get to know everyone. We’re on a bit of a time crunch right now though. I guess the park department double-booked somebody’s vows, so we’ve got someone else getting married an hour after us.”

“It’s a big day for nuptials!” Kayla exclaimed.

Grady overlooked her excitement with only half of a fake smile. “Tove, is it? I know this is awkward, but could I speak with you for a moment?”

