Page 67 of Beast in my Bedroom

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When I finally collapse, exhausted, I lay in his embrace, his massive arms wrapped around my little body. He breathes like a bear, content, smiling to himself. I grin, enjoying the heat of him, but something bothers me.

The darkness in this place.


I don’t know what that means, but I know it isn’t good.

Evander has done things, horrible things he’s keeping from me, and he might do even more.

He might even do them for me.

Or worse,tome.

The idea is terrifying.

But it’s also exhilarating.

This man, this monster. He’s mine, all mine, and I’m all his.

For now, for tonight at least.

I drift to sleep in his arms, smiling, more content than I’ve ever been.



Iwake up to the smell of coffee and pancakes.

“Good morning, asteraki mu.” Evander’s sitting up in bed, shirtless, with a tray of food in his lap. “I was debating whether I’d let you sleep in or not.”

I blink, groggy, and shuffle closer. “Is this breakfast in bed?”

“Since I cannot provide you with a proper honeymoon, I hoped this would help ease the disappointment.”

“It’s a start.” I accept the coffee then take a sip. “I could get used to this, you know.”

He laughs lowly and leans down to kiss me gently. I kiss him back, surprised by the gesture. It’s not like the kiss last night—that was passion, pure sex and desire.

This is a small kiss, an intimate kiss. The kind of kiss I’d share with a real partner.

With a real husband.

He seems to realize what he just did and pulls back slightly. There’s a moment of quiet as he shifts the tray and places it in my lap. “There you go,” he says as he climbs out of bed. “Eat, enjoy. I have work.”

“Where are you going?” I watch him walk to the shower. “I hoped we might—” But what did I hope for? That we’d spend a lazy afternoon together? This is a business deal and I can’t lose sight of that.

“Another time,” he murmurs then disappears into the bathroom.

I sit back with a sigh and force myself to enjoy the breakfast. I’m not hungry first thing, but it’s a sweet gesture. The pancakes are warm and fluffy, and the syrup is thick and sweet, and I can forget that I’m partially a prisoner here in this house. A prisoner by design and consent, but still.

I close my eyes, coffee to my lips, only to feel the snap of that gun barrel against my head again. I grimace, try to shake it off, but the memory is still fresh.

Evander comes out after showering. I placed the tray aside and drink the coffee, scrolling mindlessly through the phone he gave me. When I look up, he hesitates near the closet, still shirtless, wearing only a pair of dark slacks.

Tattoos cover his chest. Script in Greek is slashed along his collarbones. I can’t tell what they are, but they look serious. There’s a knife over his heart, and a wolf’s head on his stomach. His smile tilts sideways as he watches me watching him, and blood rushes to my cheeks.

“You know you stare a lot, asteraki mu,” he says with a teasing smile.
