Page 48 of That Touch

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“Something you want to talk about?” I ask Deck, bringing my beer to my lips to finish it off.

“Don’t really see a point now.”

“Why not?”

“You leave on Sunday, Ranger. We both know this plan is already set in motion.”

I’m confused. “Wait, you agree with Uncle Hudson? You wanted to be the one to move to Texas?”

“Yeah, I thought you knew that, but you seemed to express to Mill that you didn’t think I was ready or could handle it down there.”

“Shit,” I mutter, looking around, “let’s head out to the back porch.” We snake our way through our family members, exiting out onto the porch. “It’s not that I don’t think you can handle it.” I try to choose my words carefully.

“It’s fine, Ranger. I know that’s what it is. I guess I thought if I moved there, it would give me a chance to prove myself—to no longer be second fiddle back here.”

“What do you mean second fiddle? I’m second fiddle if I stay here.”

“No, you’re not. You and Tyler are equals at the ranch; you both have the same power and say. You might have started out differently, but you’re equal now.”

“And you think you can’t work up to that while I’m down in Texas?” I ask, a little frustrated.

“I can, yeah, but I’d hoped I was ready to be out on my own. I can do it. You know I can. You just don’t want to be here because of Dolly.”

I shake my head. “That’s not true. Sure, heading down there gives me space and a chance to start over, but that’s not the main reason. It’s not a ranch that’s already in place and running smoothly, Deck. There are a lot of kinks to work out, new barns that need to go up, cattle purchased.”

“I’m very aware of how a ranch operates, Range. Gimme a break.”

We stand in silence. I feel like shit, like I can’t seem to make any right decisions lately. No matter what I do, even if I think I’m making the right choice, it bites me in the ass.

“I’m sorry.” I lean forward, resting my elbows on the porch railing and looking out at the inky sky. The stars dance like diamonds. “I really thought I was making the right decision. I didn’t do it out of malice or lack of faith in you. You’re my brother, so I love you and I want the best for you. I do think that six months from now—a year, tops—you could be down there. Just let me get down there first, okay?”

He nods his head. “Okay.”

I’m exhausted. I stand up and look through the large glass doors back into the house, where several friends and family still linger. I search through them, my eyes trying to find her.

“I don’t think she’s coming.” He comes to stand next to me. “Sorry, man, I really thought you guys would work it out.”

I shrug, attempting to act unbothered when my heart is breaking. When he and Milly asked how my talk with Dolly went, I didn’t tell them I basically told her there was no way for us to make things work because I can’t manage to work through my own shit. I did tell them I couldn’t ask her to move to Texas, not with her life and business here. I also couldn’t ask her to wait when I have no idea how long I’ll be down there. It could be a year, or it could be a decade.

“Think I’m gonna head home.” I walk back through the house, thanking everyone who’s still there and saying my goodbyes to those I won’t be seeing again before I leave.

I pull off my hat, letting out a long sigh when I finally get in my truck and start the drive back to my house. I’m so ready to take a shower and crawl into bed, but I recognize the red Jetta sitting in my driveway.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” I groan as I put the truck in park and climb out. I glance around, expecting her to either be in her car or on the porch, but I don’t see her. When I turn the door handle, it’s unlocked. “Gotta be kidding me,” I grumble as I walk inside. I kick off my shoes, looking around as I walk through the house. “Paige?” I say her name as I walk up the stairs, but there’s no response. When I reach my bedroom door, I realize why. I hear the shower running, and the bathroom light is on.

I shake my head, taking a seat on the end of my bed while I wait for her. A moment later, the water shuts off and the shower door opens. I stand up, expecting her to walk out with a towel wrapped around her, but when she swings the bathroom door open, she’s butt-ass naked.

“Jesus, Paige!” I shout, throwing my hands up to block the view as I avert my eyes.

“Hey, handsome,” she says in her smoky voice. “Damn, don’t act so excited to see me.” She giggles as she walks toward me.

“The fuck! How did you get in here?” I sidestep her, reaching for a towel in the bathroom before tossing it at her.

“Uh, you gave me a key, like, a year ago.” She wraps the towel around her body. “I’m covered now.” I can hear the frustration in her voice, and I know it seems confusing to her, considering she and I used to hook up semi-regularly.

“Can I have it back?” I ask, holding my hand out toward her.

She stares at me before walking over to her purse and pulling it out to hand to me. “Come on, what’s gotten into you?” She has that seductive smile back in place as she reaches her hand out and runs it down my chest.
