Page 24 of Kept for Pleasure

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He groans, stumbling back, sinking down.I may have broken a bunch of his ribs, but I don’t care.I said I wouldn’t kill him.I said nothing about not brutally maiming him.

“You’ve driven your own daughter into desperation.And you drove your wife to suicide.And you think you’re father of the year?”

I kick him in the ribs as he howls in agony.

“She’s found something good in her life now and she’s afraid of you showing up and taking it away.I’m not going to let that happen, Frank.”

He crawls for a knife on the floor near the crumpled shelf.I step on his hand before he can get to it.

“I want you to leave this town.And I want you to never return.If you have a single drop of decency inside of you, you’ll do this for your daughter.”

“Or what?”he replies, still showing defiance despite being beaten.

I stare at him from above as he looks helplessly at me.The fire inside me roars, and I want him to see it through my eyes.“Or I’ll do what I promised I wouldn’t do.And I’ll spend every dollar I have to make sure I’m never found out.I have plenty to spare, Frank.There is only the love I have for your daughter preventing me from driving this bat into your skull right now.”

“You can’t do anything you want.This...this is America...”

“And I have money.You know as well as I do the power that gives me.And don’t you dare think you can slip back here without me knowing.How do you think I found you in the first place?Your daughter doesn’t even know.Leave town, Frank.Never return.Or the next time we meet will be your end.”

One more kick in the gut and he’s writhing in absolute agony.I definitely broke some ribs, and that fact makes me feel good about myself.

I drop the bat.I walk out the front door.I head back to my car, turning the engine and pulling away before too much of a crowd forms around the wailing, injured man Clara unfortunately calls her father.

The job is done.

I hope he has enough self-preservation instinct to follow my instructions.

For his sake.

And for Clara’s.

* * *

Adrenaline isone hell of a drug.

It isn’t until I get back to my mansion home that everything starts to hurt.

My hands from the punches, and my ribs from the kicks he managed to give me.My neck and back hurt too, not to mention the blood from the few punches he managed to get in.He’s no more than a common street thug, and he fought like one, making what punches he did throw count.

Pain is temporary.Running off a cancer from Clara’s life is permanent.

She’s sitting on the foyer stairs as I come home, and looks up at me in surprise.She’s been waiting for me.

“Where have you been?”she says, springing to her feet and rushing forward.She then sees me up close.“What the hell happened to you?”

Her face is drained of color when she sees the damage.

“I took care of a problem,” I say.“Your father won’t come around ever again.Don’t you worry about that.”

Somehow, her face gets even more pale.“Oh, Sebastian, you didn’t...”

I shake my head.“No.There is a deep, dark part of me that wanted to for all the pain he put you through.For all the pain he put those you love through.But you forbade it.”

“Forbade is a strong word,” she replies, her expression softening and some of the color returning.

“But we had a little discussion, you see.And I convinced him to leave town.If he ever comes back and breaks his end of our agreement, I can’t say what I’ll do to him.It shouldn’t come to that.”

She shakes her head.“Come on.We need to get you cleaned up.”
