Page 65 of Not a Living Soul

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“Yes sir.” The women echoed one another and then split up. One went to the computer monitors, her nails clacking over the keyboard. The other dove into a maze of cabinets; the sound of metal drawers bursting open followed in her wake.

“Remind me to never get on your bad side,” Anastacia mumbled, watching the two women work in synchronicity around the room.

“I’d much rather not be on yours. Who knows how many friends you got on your spiritual side.” His body shivered at the thought. Swinging his head to the side, Montgomery came back in with two bowls filled with gumbo, and another server followed behind with an assortment of drinks. Dominic sat at a nearby table and gestured for Anastacia to take the seat opposite him. “Please.”

“Shouldn’t we be searching too?” Anastacia pointed to the women still compiling files.

“They’ve got it taken care of. They’ll bring over anything relevant. Please, eat.”

Overwhelmed by the efficiency and the absolute mouthwatering aroma of the gumbo, she took a seat before she could start drooling. She was two spoonfuls in when one of the ladies dropped a file onto the corner of the table before disappearing back among the cabinets.

Anastacia eyed the file, unsure if it would be rude to grab the manila folder.

“Don’t let me stop you.” Dominic eyed the folder as well.

Anastacia pulled it open, leaving it out where they could both see it. Pictures from a high-definition security camera caught two figures in the back alley of the restaurant. Anastacia knew the alley well. She would never forget where Sammy’s soul stood over his body as he bled out.

Squinting closer at the picture, trying to discern the faces through the darkness did nothing but strain her eyes. Suddenly, there was a small magnifier in front of her face, held in between the fingers of one of the office aids. Anastacia plucked the tool from her as the woman set another file down before, once again, immersing herself back amongst the cabinets.

Anastacia put the magnifier over the faces. Her heart jumped excitedly when she recognized not one, but both men. She flipped to the next page, the thundering in her heart more pronounced as seconds ticked by.

“Dominic, your team is amazing! This is exactly what I need.” Anastacia beamed, pulling at the next folder to check over some monetary statements. “How did you get all of this?”

“You have your secrets, I have mine, baby.” He pushed her bowl of gumbo closer to her. “Eat up. You can take all this with you, but something tells me you’ll need your strength.”

Unable to drop the smile from her face, Anastacia gobbled down her gumbo. Ignoring the intense heat from the delicacy, she read through the tears the spice caused.

“You’re gonna need more than paper to protect you,” Dominic mentioned as the other aid provided Anastacia with two new USB drives to add to the multiple files her associate had already delivered.

“Then it’s a good thing I have that extra sight we talked about.” Anastacia organized everything in the satchel at her side to make it easier once she got home. She watched as Dominic’s office aids filed away his copies, preparing to defend his side if need be. “I’m sorry your detective contact will be nonexistent after this.”

“It was heading that way anyway.” He waved off her concern and eyed her. “I’ll settle for a consulting informant instead.”

“I can’t promise anything from the police department after this. I don’t know if they’ll want to keep me on.”

“You’re damn good at what you do. You’re outsmarting Knight, that’s mighty impressive for a newcomer.”

“Thank you for everything.” Gratitude tumbled out with her words.

“There is one favor I hope I can cash in on since I have been more than generous.”

“I’ll do what I can,” she paused as caution climbed up her spine.

“Is she happy? My little Caroline?”

It took Anastacia a moment to understand he was asking about the little spirit at his side who wouldn’t travel far from him.

“You said she wasn’t stuck, but wouldn’t leave either. She at least happy?” A quiver in his voice, so unlike the image of the man she built in her mind. It made her realize how much she didn’t know about Dominic.

Glancing at his side to the little hands clinging to his pants, the girl’s eyes were innocent as they peered up at her. There wasn’t a single blotch on the little soul. Anastacia lifted her eyebrows at Caroline, waiting for an answer.

The little one giggled. “Tell him, ‘Happy as a crawdaddy.’”

“Happy as a crawdaddy,” Anastacia repeated, studying Dominic’s face for a response.

His sly grin turned sad only for a moment before he beamed again. “Thank you, baby. Do tell Knight off when you catch him, would you? Also, tell me if you need some extra help. I bet Sammy would have wanted me to lend a hand or two if needed.”

“Now, now, Dominic. We don’t need you all tied up in this mess, do we?”
