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“What do you mean?”

“I have PTSD. It’s really interfered with my work. I’ve been fired from a number of bodyguard companies—that’s why I’m going freelance. I haven’t been able to hold down a steady job for several years, ever since I quit the corp. James has been helping me out, but it’s been difficult.”

“If your PTSD prevents you from working, what makes you think you’re… equipped… to be a private security guard?” Elizabeth asked carefully.

“It’s not that I can’t do the work—when there’s a threat, I react in an absolutely appropriate manner. It’s just that there are things that aren’t threats that I react to as well. My last client fired me because I threw her vase through a window. I saw a shadow and had a flashback. I thought it was an enemy coming through the window. I was only trying to protect her, but that vase was an antique, so…”

That didn’t sound ideal. The last thing Elizabeth’s career needed was an unstable bodyguard who caused havoc and destruction for no tangible reason. Sure, you could always explain to people about PTSD, but all the explanations in the world wouldn’t erase the negative associations people would have with her and her campaign should Alex have a public episode.

If she was thinking purely about her career, she would say no. She would hire a bodyguard from a reputable company and that would be that.

However, Elizabeth hadn’t gotten where she was by caring more about her career than she did about people. She was in this line of work because she cared about people.

Alex was struggling because she had served her country. She deserved to be given a second chance. Quite apart from that, there was no doubt that Elizabeth owed James. Helping his sister out was the least she could do. And there was something in Alex’s blue eyes that drew Elizabeth in. She had been through pain and Elizabeth wanted to help her out the other side of that.

“We can deal with that together. We’ll need to write out a list of your triggers and figure out how best to avoid them. I’m sure we can make it work.”

Alex’s face lit up. “Really? You’ll hire me?”

“When can you start?”

“Right away! I mean, we’ll have to stop by my place so that I can pack a bag, and we’ll need to arrange a substitute for a bit if James needs help at home when he’s discharged, but apart from that, I’m all yours.”

“I’ll pay for a nurse at James’ home, should he need it. Like I said, I’m not letting him deal with unnecessary medical expenses after he nearly died trying to save my life.”

“Really, Elizabeth, you don’t need to—”

“I want to. Besides, that means you’ll be able to stay by my side and keep guarding me—unless, of course, you want time off to spend with James, in which case I’ll gladly look into a substitute.”

“We can figure that all out when he gets out of hospital. I suspect he’s going to want to be back at work as soon as possible, even if he is working from a wheelchair at first, so I imagine I’ll be seeing quite a lot of him in any case.”

“Don’t count on it. I’m not letting him come back to work until the doctors have fully cleared him. He got hurt working for me once. I’m not going to let him get hurt again by coming back before he’s ready.”

Alex snorted. “Have you met James? You can order him home all you like, but I doubt it’ll work.”

Elizabeth chuckled. “You’re right about that. Did I tell you about the time he came to work with the flu? Passed out right in the middle of a conference. Everyone thought I was an awful boss, making him work while he was ill. They didn’t realize that I’d demanded he go home no less than five times; he ignored me.”

“That sounds like James. He always was devoted to his work. We’ll have to make sure he’s as devoted to his physical therapy, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

“I’m sure it won’t be. He was always sensible. Did you want to spend more time with him, or are you ready to go?”

“We can go. He’s probably not going to be awake for a while yet, and I could use a shower.”

“Me too,” Elizabeth agreed. “Your place first, then mine?”

“That sounds perfect.”



Alex couldn’t believe how much things had changed over the past twenty-four hours. Her brother was in the hospital, fighting for his life, and she had a new job. She was desperately worried for James but couldn’t help being a little relieved as well that her own situation had at least changed for the better.

This was surely her lucky break. Successfully guarding someone as well-known as Elizabeth Myers would help draw new clients to her when Elizabeth no longer needed a bodyguard. If that even happened. For all she knew, Elizabeth’s liberal views could leave her in constant danger, requiring a bodyguard long term, even after this specific threat was removed.

Of course, Alex hoped that the danger to Elizabeth would soon be a thing of the past, but she felt a bit better knowing that she could at least be there to protect Elizabeth and the rest of her staff from any future threats.

She still worried about her PTSD. Elizabeth hadn’t said anything, but Alex knew they had to be thinking the same thing—an ill-timed flashback could look very bad for Elizabeth. Still, she was willing to take a chance on Alex, and Alex was very grateful.
