Page 17 of Valkyrie's Choice

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“Holy fuck,” Cooper breathed, his eyes widening as he nodded. “Yes, I saw him clear as a bell.”

“Whoa, how did that happen?” I blinked rapidly as I tried to wrap my head around this development. “Did the doctors say anything about the possibility of your vision just returning one day?”

“No, that’s why I was willing to try the potion Maggie gave me.” He turned in a circle, staring at the trees surrounding us. “I didn’t think it had a chance of working, but holy hell, I think it actually did.”

My brows drew together. “What potion?”

He explained how Maggie had talked him into going to Something Wicked because she might have something to help with his eyesight. If he’d told me this sooner, I would’ve assumed it was just an excuse my friend had used to get us to bump into each other. But it apparently turned out that she was right…Maggie’s potion had given Cooper his vision back.

“This is so wild,” he murmured as he started to walk again. “I mean…I know that potions can pack one hell of a wallop, considering everything caused by that Frankenpunch stuff you told me about. And Maggie told me she was the Wicked Witch of the West, so it figures that she has magical powers beyond what I can imagine. But I really didn’t think that potion she whipped up for me would do anything. I only drank it because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings if she asked me about it later.”

“She’ll be so happy when you let her know it worked.”

Following him, my head was spinning. I felt as though I was the worst person ever. Cooper had come to mean so much to me already, and I should have been thrilled that his sight had returned. While I was truly happy for him, I was also scared to death over what this would mean for us.

It was one thing for him to accept me being a Valkyrie and living in Screaming Woods when he didn’t have anything important waiting for him back at home. But now that he had his eyesight back, he could pilot for his charter company again.

I knew how important his business was to him, but I was afraid it would pull him away from me. Which I could understand on some level because I couldn’t imagine ever wanting to leave Monster Delivery behind after all of the hard work it had taken to get it off the ground—no pun intended. Except maybe for Cooper…only leaving with him wasn’t an option for me because I’d never fit into his world.

I didn’t voice any of my concerns, though. When we made it back to the cabin, I gave Cooper a quick kiss. “I’m going to hop in the shower and get ready for bed since I need to be up in the morning for work.”

“Maybe you should take a bath instead.” He cupped my pussy with his palm. “I noticed you were walking a little stiffly. I should’ve gone easier on you this morning.”

He was so good to me. My heart wept at the thought of possibly losing him, even to something he loved as much as being a pilot.

Accepting the easy out he gave me, I nodded. “A bath does sound good. I’ll do that instead.”

“Okay, baby.” He brushed a kiss against my forehead. “Want me to run the water for you?”

“Nope, I’ve got it this time.” I nudged him toward the desk. “You should use your drawing paper to make a test for your eyesight. See how good it really is.”

He flashed me a grin. “I don’t need to test it to know my eyes are damn good now, baby. I could see the individual leaves all the way at the top of the trees while we were walking back. I think Maggie’s potion may have restored my vision back to the twenty-twenty it was when I was first learning how to fly.”

“Her magic can do some amazing things,” I murmured before heading into the bathroom.

When the door shut behind me, I slumped against the hard surface and sniffled. My eyes filled with tears, but I didn’t want Cooper to hear me crying and wonder what was wrong. So I turned the faucet to fill the tub with warm water and let the noise mask the sounds of my sadness.

Stripping out of my clothes, I climbed into the tub to cry. I didn’t give in to my tears for too long, though, since I didn’t want to have puffy eyes when I went back out there. Holding my breath, I wrapped my feathers around my body and sank all the way under the water. Then I slowly exhaled, watching my breath bubble to the surface.

After repeating the process a few times, I felt calmer, and the tears stopped flowing. Grabbing the soap and a cloth, I washed up and got ready for bed. When I padded back out of the bedroom, I found Cooper stretched out on the mattress. He held his arms out for me, and I raced over to throw myself at him. Not wanting to miss any of the time I had with him—in case it came to an end soon—I tried to stay awake as long as I could, but I eventually lost the battle and drifted off to sleep in the warmth of his embrace.



“Ireally have to go,” Isla panted as I rolled off her and dragged her into my arms.

I hated that life was intruding on our little bubble, but when Isla mentioned that she had to go to work this morning, it reminded me that I hadn’t checked in with Heath recently.

Of course, I couldn’t let her leave without knowing she’d have me inside her all day.

“I’m tempted to seduce you into staying,” I sighed. “But I have my own work responsibilities that I need to stop neglecting.”

Isla sat up and glanced back at me with a frown. It seemed like she was going to say something, so I waited, but after a few breaths, she just scooted to the other side of the bed and climbed out.

I grinned and ripped the covers off before jumping to my feet. Then I raced around the foot of the bed so I could scoop her up and toss her over my shoulder—making sure to tuck her wing under my chin so I could still see.

“That doesn’t mean I’m not going to help you get clean…and maybe a little dirty again.”
