Page 16 of Grump Gone Wild

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Well, I’ll shrivel into a dried husk. A dehydrated lump of Fliss, so crispy and small that Rusty can bat me around the kitchen floor. Simple as that.

“So,” Sebastian says. “You want me to ravage you against the copier.”

My throat is tight, but when I speak, it sounds almost normal. Only a tiny bit strangled. “Here works too.”

My boss laughs, and I still don’t recognize him like this. So carefree. As he leans forward, I meet him partway, and…


That’s how it feels when our lips brush. Like the warm, bright sunshine has sunk through my skin and is inside me now too, spreading like liquid gold through my veins. I’m glowing. Gasping.

Sebastian makes a low noise, and our mouths slant together harder. My nose squishes against his cheek. His teeth tug my lip.

Holy shit.

This is what heaven feels like. This is what you get if you’re good your whole life and you never step too far wrong: Sebastian Bamford cupping your neck with one hand and squeezing your thigh with the other, kissing you like a starving man.

Or maybe that’s just me. Other people can have different fantasies, I guess.

But they’re all wrong.

“Wait,” my boss mutters, pulling away, and my belly drops. He regrets it already, doesn’t he? God, that was too short. Too tantalizing. But no: Sebastian plucks his glasses off and places them nearby on the wall, then crowds closer again. His hand slips higher, nudging under my dress.

“You,” he tells me between kisses, “taste so—fucking sweet. I knew you would.”

Well, I knew he’d be all bossy and delicious. Guess we’ve both won the jackpot today.

It takes a second to unclench my fingers from the stone wall, my brain all muddled by his kiss, but then I take his wrist. Tug his hand closer to the juncture of my thighs, rucking up my skirt as we go.

“If you want.” I kiss him hard, head spinning. “You can touch me here if you want.”

Sebastian curses and crowds even closer, wedging my thighs on either side of his hips. “Of course I fucking want to. Are you kidding, Fliss? I’ve wanted to touch you since the first day we met.”

He has?

That… doesn’t sound fake. It doesn’t match our cover story. And if we’re breaking our roles, then I have a few confessions too.

The fountain burbles behind me, and I reach for his belt. Yank it open, leather creaking as he pushes my dress up around my hips. My heart’s beating so fast right now.

“I’ve thought about a few things too, Mr B. Like riding you in your office chair, creasing up your fancy clothes. Or sucking you off beneath the desk while you’re on the phone to your rich guy contacts. Or pulling the emergency brake in the elevator and bending over in front of the mirror for you.”

Sebastian snarls, wrenching my underwear down my thighs. He gets my panties as far as my parted legs will allow, then leans forward and sucks a harsh kiss on my neck.

Yeah, I’m very imaginative for a virgin. Or maybe it’sbecauseI’ve never hooked up that I have so many lurid daydreams. All that pent up longing’s gotta go somewhere, you know? And up until now, it’s fueled the porn reel of Sebastian and I—the one playing in a constant loop in my brain.

“You’re going to give me a heart attack,” my boss says against my heated skin. His fingertips delve between my thighs, coasting along my slit, and he groans when he finds me soaked. “Fliss. Ah, god. Fuck.”

“It’s for you,” I babble, and it’s probably a lame thing to say, but it’s true. “It’s all for you.” His thumb finds my clit and I arch back with a cry, and I’m spinning out of control—spinning right out of my body.

Only one thing anchors me. His rough voice; his stern touch.

Sebastian. Is this really happening?

“That’s right.” Those gray eyes are extra stormy. This man is so big, so strong, surrounding me,owningme. His bronze hair is ruffled, and a flush has spread over his cheekbones. “You’re mine, Felicity. Mine.”

Gah. I wish!

When he presses one finger inside me, I grit my teeth against a moan. Sebastian rubs circles over my clit, and I bite down on his shoulder. And it’s uncouth of me—the Bamfords would tut themselves into early graves if they knew—but then, they’d hate everything about this, wouldn’t they? Especially the wild glint in my boss’s eye.
