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I've absolutely never felt anything like this. No one has made me feel so drawn to them before.

This must be what the old timers talk about when they say they found 'the one.'

"Are you okay?" I hear myself ask like the humongous dope I am.

She nods.

"I think so. Thanks to you," she says, those luminous eyes blinking up at me gratefully.

"Everything's fine now. You're safe," I tell her soothingly.

She looks up at me, and I see a spark of something flicker in her eyes.

"What's your name?" I ask her, needing to know it more than I need my next breath.

"Jaz..." she whispers, her voice soft and throaty.

But then she's ushered away from me by the medics, and as much as I hate to let her go, I know I need to let them do their job and check her out, and I have to lead my team in containing the fire and dealing with the aftermath of it.

With one more look over at Jaz, I head back into the burning building, firehose in hand this time.

I've got to put this fire out, and then I'll deal with the one that's suddenly taken blaze in the center of my chest.





I can't getthe firefighter's gray eyes out of my mind. They were smokier than the clouds created by the fire, yet I felt totally safe looking into them. Rather than suffocating in them, it was like I was able to breathe easier with them to ground me.

I'm sitting still while the medics look me over, mechanically answering the questions they ask me. They think I'm in shock, and maybe I am, but I'm more in shock of the handsome firefighter and his gray eyes than I am the fire itself.

I don't have a clue how the fire started. Someone in one of the other apartments must have started it, but I'm the only dumbass who took so long to awaken. I can't help it, though. I was exhausted after two back-to-back shifts.

It sucks trying to hold down two jobs just to make ends meet, but I'm barely scraping by even with both jobs. Sure, I could have kept staying with my stepdad, but it was becoming clear my room and board there would have come with a price now that I'm eighteen. My mom has been out of the picture ever since she died when I was fifteen. I was lucky he waited as long as he did before he started making his advances, I suppose.

But I'd rather take my chances scraping by on my own than deal with that.

I don't know where I'm supposed to go now. I have nowhere to turn but back to the stepfather I'm running from, so that's not an option.

I would rather be out on the street than back in that house with him.


That voice that soothed me just moments before suddenly caresses my ears, causing my heart to flutter faster.

I look up to see my firefighter towering over me. My heart skips a beat. He's got soot on his forehead. He's covered in sweat, but his muscles bulge under the perfectly fitted tee he's wearing.

Those gray eyes are staring directly down at me, and I'm held captive by them.

"Hey," I answer back breathlessly.

He squats down before me so that we're eye level, and my breath hitches at the nearness of those smoky grays directly in front of me.

He lifts a hand and hovers it over my cheek like he's going to touch me before he curls his fingers in and pulls it back. "Are you okay?" his deep voice rumbles as his eyes rove over my face. "Did the medics check you out?"
