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I nod. "Yes. I'm fine."

He stares at me a beat longer, frowning as if he doesn't believe me.

I swallow, suddenly nervous, though I don't know why.

One of the medics who attended me comes up beside the firefighter and claps a familiar hand on the man's shoulder. "Hey, Zeke. Great job as usual."

Zeke. Mr. Smoking Hot Firefighter's name is Zeke.

Zeke never moves those gray eyes off me as he grunts a greeting to the medic, who then turns his attention back on me.

"I just need an address of where we can get in contact with you if we need anything further, ma'am."

I blink as that statement brings me back to the harsh reality of my situation. I look up at the charred apartment building I've been calling home for a few months now.

My stomach falls, and tears prick the backs of my eyes.

What am I going to do now? I worked hard to get that place. It wasn't much, but it wasmine. A place of my own. Somewhere to lay my head at night.

My eyes drift away from the building to find Zeke's stormy eyes trained on me. He's staring at me with an intensity that makes my entire body break out in goosebumps.

Before I have a chance to answer, Zeke's deep voice rumbles, "She's staying with me."



Jaz looksup at me with wide eyes, no doubt surprised by the forcefulness of my statement.

But I meant it. This girl is staying with me. No if's, and's, or but's about it. There's no way I'm letting her walk away from here with no place to go. Not when I'm more than willing to protect her.

"Are you sure?" she asks me in that pretty little voice of hers, her blue eyes looking so innocent it hurts to look at her.

I'm a filthy fucking bastard for the images that run through my head when she looks up at me like that. Her on her knees in front of me, my cock between those puffy pink lips, her eyes looking up at me just like that...


I push the thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. "Yeah, I'm sure," I tell her with a quick nod, hoping she doesn't see the lie in my eyes. I'm not sure about shit. Well, I'm sure about one thing, but I'm fucking unsure about the rest. It's been a long time since I had anything good in my life. Any happiness.

And I can't help but feel like this girl is going to be the one to change everything.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have no issue handling her relocation," the medic says with a smirk.

I glare at him until his smirk fades into a look of uncertainty. Never mind the fact that he's right, I won't stand for anyone making insinuations about my girl.

I'm sure I will have no problem taking Jaz to my place, fucking her brains out...

Just the thought makes my cock twitch in my pants and my hands clench at my sides.

With a growl, I turn back to Jaz.

I grab her hand again and pull her toward me, my hand wrapping around her small wrist. I can feel her pulse drumming at an erratic pace beneath my thumb, and I watch as goosebumps break out along her delicate skin. I'm sure it's from the cold, but it could just as easily be from the way I'm looking down at her, my eyes devouring every inch of her body.

"Jaz," I whisper, the sound of her name leaving my lips making her tremble beneath my touch. Her eyes slide closed, and I lean in closer to her, my lips brushing against her ear when I say her name again.

"Jaz," I say with a little more force this time, and her eyes flutter open, locking onto mine as a shiver runs through her.

"Let's go," I say, my voice so low it's a whisper.
