Page 50 of Sinful Surrender

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Isip my piña colada and luxuriate in the fruity freshness that slides along my throat and into my belly.

Thisis what I’ve needed, but I’ve never stopped to allow.

Time away from work. From the world. Time to sleep when I want, and wake when it’s convenient.

To roll around with Archer in a canopied bed, or on a sun lounge when we’re bored with the first.

“How do you think Chloe is coping at home without us?” I peer across at Archer, and snigger as he strokes one of the stupid cat faces on his shorts. “Are you seriously pining for her right now?”

“No.” He wrinkles his nose in a scowl and lays his legs flat on the lounge. “I had an itch.”

“Uh huh.” Amused, I set my drink on the small side table to my right, then I move to my hands and knees and crawl over my husband to get impossibly closer.

To not touch him is as lonely as if he wasn’t here by my side. To not look into his eyes feels like he simply doesn’t exist in this world.

I study the wedding band hung around his neck, the white gold ring that rests in the middle of his muscular chest. Then I climb onto his lap so his hardened cock presses to my core and his hands drop to my hips.

Because he will always,always, hold me when I ask him to.

“Are you relaxed?” Reaching up, I tuck my hair back behind my ears and lean closer to press my lips to his. To taste him on my tongue and feel his hard length beneath me. When he nods, I ask, “Are you happy?”

“So fucking happy.” He extends his arm so his bicep rests against my ear, then he flips us until my back hits the lounge and he crawls between my legs.

His hot breath bathes my skin, and his stubbled jaw tickles my cheek. But the chain hanging around his neck dangles to my chest so I feel the cold press to my flesh.

“I didn’t know what happiness was until I married you, Minnnka.” He peppers a kiss to my jaw. Then another to the soft skin behind my ear where I keep a tiny tattoo. A naughty choice my parents would have disapproved of if they were still around. “I didn’t know fear until I met you either,” he continues. “I didn’t know worry until I learned how fragile you were.”

My brows pull tight as I frown, though I arch my head back to make room as he feasts on my neck. “I’m not fragile.”

“You’re so fucking fragile it’s terrifying.” He slides his tongue along my skin and bites just hard enough to make my heart stumble. “I didn’t know how soft I was until I learned you forget to eat meals unless they’re provided and you’re reminded.”

“I eat!” But quiet laughter rolls along my throat. “I survived my whole life before you.”

“I watch to make sure you get enough protein every day,” he rumbles, then follows his words with a gentle kiss. “I count how many glasses of water you drink. I stock the fridge based around your factor pack so it doesn’t get moved from the middle. I refuse to fuck your meds up and be the reason they’re ruined.”

“You worry too much.” I slide my hands along his back and purr when his cock crushes my core. “I’m not as fragile as you think I am, Archer.”

“You’re so fucking fragile,” he groans, “I make myself sick over it. You’re the hardest job I’ve ever had.”

My stomach jumps, but not in pleasure.

“I’m not a job for you.”

“Your hemophilia terrifies me,” he pushes on. “Because most of us could survive a lot of bad shit. But then there’s you, dying because of a dislocated shoulder.”

“Dislocated?” I turn my head and study my shoulder, black and blue from bruising I don’t recall seeing before. Then a sharp lance of pain tears through the limb until it steals my breath away.

But Archer continues to hover over me. His hands, soothing. His tongue cajoling.

Sort of.

“Archer?” I try to push him up with my hands on his chest, only for the pain in my shoulder to morph into a raging inferno. “Ah, shit!” I exhale until my lungs empty. “What the hell is happening?”

“We’re on our honeymoon.” He presses a gentle kiss to my collarbone and stops above the angry bruising that burns hotter than a thousand suns. “Either it’s time to go back to the real world, or you sip your drink and we keep making out.”

Pushing up to rest on his elbows, he studies my shoulder, but when I glance down again, the bruises fade away and disappear.
