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“Holy shit,” I whispered. “You’re huge.”

I really,reallyneeded a way to filter what came out of my mouth.

“How many men are going to show up here?” he demanded. His fingers were still digging into me, and I felt them start to change. Were those claws?

“Easy,” I warned quickly. “Your nails are sharp.”

He went rigid and started to withdraw his hand again.

My thighs clenched around his wrist, and I grabbed him.

I had to stop doing this.

Trapping him.

It was not going to win me any points with the man I needed to keep me alive, for heaven’s sake.

“I have to go,” he told me.

My chest tightened.

If he walked away after what had just happened, there wasn’t a chance in hell that I’d see him again.

He was worried that men were coming here—I could clear that up, so maybe he wouldn’t run away.

“There aren’t any men coming here. The door was locked, so I don’t even know how you got in,” I said quickly. “Not that I’m complaining.”

Wait, he had to have a key.

Didn’t he?

If he was in fact Kai?

My tongue slipped out and licked some of the blood off his wrist, and I silently cussed myself out for it.

He growled at me, “I came to drop off my son’s shit and found you unconscious. Who were you waiting for?”


I bit my lip at the reminder.

The vomiting, the passing out…

My excited panic was fading fast at the reminder.

“Death, I guess,” I admitted, looking up at the ceiling so he wouldn’t notice me still staring at him.

Sometimes, I really hated myself for the way my lips spoke before my mind could think things through.

“What thehelldoes that mean?”

“I’ve been vomiting blood for weeks. Went through the whole list of single male werewolves. The only other option was going back to Mist Valley, and I’d rather die here than live there again,” I said softly.

“You’re telling me you put on these tiny scraps of underwear to meetdeath?” he practically snarled back.

I tried not to shrink away from him. He clearly thought I was insane. And honestly, he wasn’t wrong.

I needed to tell a joke, to break the ice or just make him think that I wasn’t as crazy as I seemed.
