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“Now you’re definitely stuck with me forever,” I whispered.

“Now you couldn’t ditch my ass if you tried,” he countered.

I turned in his arms, and kissed him. His hands cupped my ass as he kissed me back, and kissed me, and kissed me.

This was insane.

It was absolutely crazy.

But it was also entirely perfect.

“I love you,” I whispered into Kai’s ear. I couldn’t remember if I’d told him that—but it was completely, entirely true.

And as we stood in that bathroom, gripping each other so tightly, I knew there wasn’t one damn thing I would’ve changed, even if I could.



“Sit down,”I chided Iris, who was pacing the kitchen of our new house like a madwoman. Her belly was curved just the tiniest bit, and she looked absolutely stunning in that little floral dress. Her wedding ring glinted on her finger, reminding me of the perfect little ceremony we’d gone through with a few weeks earlier.

The only people who knew about the pregnancy were my family, Morgan and Axel, and Violet. Lucas had been the first to know, of course, and he was absolutely ecstatic.

The party to not only announce that we were having a baby, but that we were having agirl, was tonight. We’d invited the pack, and a few other friends Iris had made at her dance classes.

“Don’t worry about the food!” Lucas exclaimed from the table, where he was currently stuffing his face with finger foods. Luckily, we’d made about a million of them. Half of those were for our son, but we’d expected that. The kid was constantly hungry.

“What if your pack flips out?” she hissed at me. “They already don’t like me.”

I stepped into the kitchen and pulled her into my arms. “They don’t dislike you, Spitfire; they dislike that I moved away from them. If they’re pissed about our little pink marshmallow, I’ll show them the door.”

And break their faces, but I didn’t add that aloud.

Some things didn’t need to be said.

“We should name her Pink Marshmallow,” Lucas said with a laugh. “That would be hilarious.”

“It totally would be,” Iris agreed, and gave me a tight smile.

There was a knock at the door. I squeezed her shoulders. “You’ve got this. I love you.” I brushed my lips over hers, and then strode toward the door.

“You’re so lucky you’re hot,” she muttered behind me.

I flashed her a grin, and she returned it.

Our life was fucking perfect.
