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“Right. Well… do you think Teris is going to try something like that? Does breaking a mate bond make someone insane?”

He considered it. “Did Priel attack any females when North broke the mate bond with him?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask her about that. Probably not, since none of us were near them.”

“Then we’ll assume that breaking a mate bond doesn’t destroy sanity, and learn the truth when we return to the Stronghold.”

I grimaced. “What about when I have to break the mate bond between us, Remmo? I don’t want you to lose your mind.”

His body went very, very still.

I stared at him, unsure why he’d frozen.

And I waited a few minutes, eating silently while I did so.

“We will cross that road if we get there,” the basilisk finally said, his voice strained.

Not wanting to further disturb the man, I just nodded.


When we were both full,Remmo taught me to leave the rest of the fruit near the edge of the tree’s branches. He said there were animals in the forest that weren’t strong enough to open the fruit’s shell on their own, who would finish what we hadn’t. The ones most-likely to come for it were called geggins.

I wanted to stay and watch, and by some miracle, Remmo agreed.

We slid into the trees, hiding silently. His scales shifted to match the branches and leaves around us, hiding him almost completely, and I stared down at the fruit.

A bit of time passed in peaceful silence.

My eyes lit up when slowly, a pair of animals crept out of the trees. They looked almost like small monkeys with really, really long hair—and long ears, too.

They picked the fruit up with small, odd paws before they disappeared into the forest with it.

Remmo gestured for me to follow him when they were gone, and I did—with a massive grin stretching my scaly face.

We traveledfor another day and a half, sleeping in the trees for a few hours when night hit, before we finally reached the lake.

We’d crossed the border into unseelie land at some point—which I knew because of the thick snow on the ground and in the trees. I’d never liked snow on Earth, but now that I didn’t seem to get cold very easily, I didn’t mind it.

The lake was small, surrounded by trees with massive leafy branches that intertwined, concealing the water completely from the view of anyone who might’ve flown above.

Remmo shifted forms as we approached it, and I did the same, still taking everything in with wonder.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmured, my eyes devouring the snowy hills that gave way to a partially-frozen lake.

“It’s very cold. Are you sure you want to get in?”

Was it just me, or did he look slightly worried?

“Yeah. I’m hoping it’ll help with the heartbreak,” I admitted. Though honestly, now that I was away from Teris, and the bond wasn’t stretching between us, I felt…


And I definitely didn’t miss him.

Part of me wondered if my affection for him had all been because of the bond. But then again, I was always drawn to his type. The bad-boy kind who would make you chase them, and then when you finally convinced them to give you a chance, made you feel like shit about pretty much everything.

I felt pretty damn ashamed for letting myself have feelings for a man who cared about me so little.
