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“We’ll have to get out of the water, first.”

“I’m ready.”

Really, really ready.

He hauled me out of the lake, not bothering to ask me if I wanted him to put me down. And he didn’t release me until we’d reached the ring of grass, where my clothes were still sitting.

“Would you mind wrapping me up first?” I asked him, as he set me down. I was already shivering—and still not a fan of being cold.

“That is another question whose answer is always yes.” He shifted forms, and quickly, I found myself engulfed in warm scales. Remmo was colder than usual too, but as I leaned against his side, we both heated up together.

I patted his scales when I was nice and toasty—before the sweating started this time—and he released me.

After I was dressed, I followed him into the forest a little, away from the lake.

The snow squished beneath my toes uncomfortably, and I tried not to wince with each of the steps.

Sometimes, I wished I was one of the shifters with fire. Or wings.

Though, as I was learning, there were cool parts about being a basilisk too.

Remmo explained, “The portal will open for only a moment, and you won’t be able to step through—only to reach. You need to will the space between the worlds to thin, and then open, as you tap into your magic.”

“Can you show me?”

He flashed me a smile. “Of course.”

Remmo’s hands went out in front of him. His eyes closed for a moment, and I watched in shock as the air in front of him slowly rippled, and then changed.

A simple shelving unit appeared in front of him, with stacks of paper reams on it.

It was astore.

Anactual store.

It had been nearly four years since I’d been on Earth, and seeing something as simple as a store was seriously trippy.

Remmo reached into the portal, grabbed a ream of paper off the shelf, and tugged it right through the portal.

It closed, and my jaw was still hanging open.

He tucked the paper beneath his arm, then held his hand out and closed my jaw as the portal shut itself.

I batted his hand away. “You stole that!”

“Earth has plenty,” he said with a shrug.

“You can’t just take things off shelves,” I protested.

“Would you like me to return it?”

I blinked. “I… I don’t know. I never considered whether or not it was ethical to take shit from Earth.”

“This is the way we got everything the females needed that we didn’t already possess.”


“Well you already stole it, so I guess we might as well hold on to it,” I said with a grumble. “You probably can’t make that exact same shelf appear anyway, can you?”
