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“We have to go underwater to find the cave. I can swim us both down there, if you’d prefer,” Remmo offered.

I nodded my agreement, and we started walking.

Two minutes later, we were peering into another pond, our feet still melting into the deep, untouched snow.

On the surface, the pond looked just like all of the others. I glanced at my companion. “Are you sure about this?”

He flashed me a smile. “Extremely. I wouldn’t put you in danger.”

As stupid as it probably was to do so, I believed him.

He gave my hand a light tug as he slipped into the water, and I slowly followed him in. My eyes widened when I was engulfed in warm water.

“Ohhh, that’s nice,” I groaned.

He grinned. “Now you trust me?”

“Ish.” When I made a face, he laughed.

“I’ll take it.”

I was grinning too as he pulled me into his arms. Since I’d seen all the bugs, I wasn’t going to take my clothes off. “Do you guys have leeches?” I asked him.

“I don’t know what a leech is, so I’m not sure.”

I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding onto him more tightly as he swam out to the middle of the pond. “They’re like… long and squishy, I think. I’ve only heard of them, never seen them. They’re supposed to be in water, and if you go near them, they like, latch on to you and suck your blood or something.”

Remmo’s eyebrows lifted. “We don’t have anything like that.”

I let out a relieved breath. “Good.”

He chuckled, and I held on tighter. “Get ready to hold your breath. It’s a short swim to the next cave, but I want you prepared.”


That was kind of sweet.

He counted for me, and on three, dove down. I held my breath, shutting my eyes tightly as he swam.

After a few seconds, I peeked one open. When the warm water didn’t burn them, I opened wider, peering in surprise at the creatures swimming around us. The water was clear blue, and there werethingseverywhere.

They looked like fish, but moved slower, and more elegantly. Their fins were long and streamed out behind them as they swam, and they weren’t too big or vicious-looking.

Still, I resisted the urge to reach out and touch them. They might have hidden teeth.

My eyes followed a rough stone slab as we approached it. There was a thick hole in the center of it, and I assumed that was where we were going. Remmo proved me right when he swam through it a moment later, and then immediately kicked his legs, carrying us upward.

Our heads broke the water’s surface, and I stared up in fascination at the cave above us. There were all kinds of things hanging from the ceiling. I’d never been inside a cave before, but I’d heard of stalactites and stalagmites. I assumed these were them—stretching downward, and growing upward, in unique shapes and spirals.

“This is only the first cave. We’ll submerge many more times before we reach the one I want to show you,” Remmo murmured to me. “Let me know when you’re ready.

His hands landed lightly on my back as he waited, and the only sound in the cave was both of us breathing as I looked at everything, again, and again.

“It’s so beautiful,” I finally said. “I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s just… untouched.”

“Vevol is full of places like this. Hidden away, for those who care to look.” His hand stroked my lower back lightly.

I spent a few more minutes looking at everything before I finally told him I was ready to go.
