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“You are mine, Iloli.”

It was probably just a dream, though.

When I woke up,I realized that our bodies had wrapped around each other, getting all tangled.

Though I wanted to stay like that forever, I had started recognizing a few of the scents in the forest, and knew we were getting close to the Stronghold.

So I slid away from Remmo, mentally preparing myself for the hell that was coming my way.

I had to kiss a man who wasn’t attracted to me.

I was going to hurt the fae I had started to consider my best friend.

There was no point in putting it off any longer, so I slipped away from Remmo, knowing he would have no problem catching me.

Sure enough, he was at my side less than a minute later.

We travelled in silence, the only sounds resulting from me brushing against leaves and other things. Remmo was as quiet as always, never making a noise unless he decided to.

We reachedthe Stronghold around lunch time.

When I smelled something delicious cooking, I assumed that the massive, new-ish kitchen at the center of the land the male fae had claimed was the source.

I headed that way, figuring that if we were going to have a confrontation, we may as well do it where there was food so we could eat afterward.

As much as I enjoyed fruit and veggies, it would be nice to have something else.

I hadn’t reached the kitchen—or started descending the branches—when I glanced over and realized that Remmo was gone.

Panic flared in my stomach, and I halted.

My tongue flicked out as I tasted the air, looking for my friend. His heavy, yummy scent was easy to follow, so I turned around quickly, rushing in the direction he’d gone.

A ferocious snarl met my ears before I reached the end of the scent trail, and my panic grew fiercely.


That sound had been Teris.

I threw myself out of the trees, tapping into Vevol’s magic to soften the landing the way Remmo had taught me, and landed lightly on my feet.

Male fae were all around me, building something. I didn’t even stop to look what it was as I sprinted in the direction of Teris’s snarl.

When I found him and Remmo, the men were circling each other, both in their beast forms.

A thick arm blocked my path as I tried to throw myself between them, and I opened my mouth to yell at the person before I realized it was Ervo.

Mare was tucked against his side, her expression worried.

“You’re okay?” she whispered to me.

“I’m fine.” I tried to shove past Ervo, but his arm wouldn’t budge. “Move,” I hissed, eyes glued to the men.

They were moving slowly, both of them shifting back to their man forms, and both wearing furious expressions. I barely recognized Remmo’s cold anger, after so much time with his peaceful grins.

“They can’t fight,” I whispered desperately to Ervo. “Teris will kill him.”

The expression Ervo shot me was almost… curious. And definitely not as panicked as it should’ve been. “Who do you think that male is?”
