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I wrapped my arms around my abdomen. “Okay, so, you probably heard how I ran away from Teris?”


“I went through the river, so he wouldn’t be able to track my scent. When I got out of the river, one of the fae came out of the trees. Remmo.”

“Is he seelie?”

I shook my head. “The unseelie call him Vuvim. I didn’t know that though—he introduced himself as Remmo.”

Her eyes went wide. “The basilisk general? He thinks you’re his mate?”

“I don’t know. He had followed me, but I didn’t ask him why. In the moment, it didn’t occur to me. He said he used to be unseelie but had recently defected. I thought he was just one of the masses, you know? I didn’t even know the unseelie had generals, and he definitely didn’t start by telling me people called himthe ghost.”

Naomi grimaced. “The only reason a fae male would introduce himself to a female with his entire name is if he’s already decided he belongs to her. Have you tried to use it? To see if it’s really his name?”


“Well, don’t do it in here or the female fae will kill him,” she warned. “And if you’re really fated mates, your lives might already be connected.”

My throat swelled with panic. “So what do I do?”

Naomi lifted a shoulder. “You can accept him, like January, North, and Mare did. Or you can turn him down and try to fight fate. But ultimately, none of the men with fated mates have ever walked away. All of us who’ve been claimed or started bonds with someone that seems chosen by fate have those men permanently tailing us. Even if we fight it, or the men fight it, there’s no way out.” She hesitated. “Well, noeasyway out.”


“Then why are you in here?” I gestured to the room.

She grimaced. “Because Aev and I don’t like each other, and the unseelie are falling apart.”

My eyebrows shot upward, and I waited for more of an explanation.

Naomi admitted, “We’ve never gotten along. He’s cold and unfeeling. I’m not big on sharing my emotions, either. The sex was terrible. He doesn’t listen to me unless there’s literally no other option. I could go on… but it’s unnecessary. When I walked away, he didn’t use my name to get me back. I think he hates me as much as I hate him.”

“Damn. Well, you just might be my hero for leaving him, then.”

Her lips curved upward slightly. “Thanks, I guess.” She leaned back on the bed, planting her palms on the mattress. “So, you and Vuvim. Is he kind?”

The fact that she picked that question first, when she could’ve started with any others, didn’t pass my notice.

And dammit, my throat swelled. “He is.”

“Good.” The word was simple, but powerful. “What are your questions?”

“I just want to be sure that there’s a real possibility that we’re fated before I ask him,” I admitted. “I don’t want to offend him. We were out in the wild together for weeks, and it was the best few weeks of my life. I like him—a lot. And I’m pissed that he lied to me, but I’m going to forgive him for it. Not yet, but it’s pretty damn inevitable.”

“Does his scent call to you?” she asked. “Does it stand out enough to you that you could follow it even if he wasn’t next to you?”

“Yes.” I bit my lip.

“When you met him, did you immediately feel like you could trust him?”


“When he touched you, were there sparks from the very beginning?”

“I’m not positive. There were sparks as soon as we’d kissed for the first time, though.”

She nodded. “It takes longer for the sparks to develop between chosen mates. I’d say you can be ninety-nine percent sure that you’re fated.”
