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I surviveda week with the female fae before I couldn’t take the avoidance anymore. Dots—dammit, Dakota—only came by to sleep in our temporary room at the Stronghold for a few hours each day. So, I distracted myself from the green-eyed basilisk in the trees outside by playing cards.

Though I was absolute shit at every fae game and most of the human ones I learned, I spectacularly defeated both fae and ex-human women at every damn game of poker we played.

But by the time that week ended, I finally couldn’t ignore the truth anymore.

I missed Remmo.

…I missed him alot.

So, on the morning of day eight, I thanked the female fae for their hospitality—got invited to a round of a fae dice game that I would most certainly lose if I took them up on it—and walked out of the Stronghold.

My eyes scanned the trees when Remmo didn’t emerge immediately and scoop me into his arms or something. Not gonna lie, my heart fell a little bit.

But I could smell his scent all over the forest around the Stronghold, so I knew he was there.

And I was going to find him.

I wandered around a few minutes, inhaling his yummy smell, until I heard his voice.

Not gonna lie, it nearly stopped my damn heart.

Maybe I missed him even more than I’d realized.

“As I have told you, I have no interest in leading any number of unseelie,” Remmo said harshly. “How many times do I need to repeat this?”

Another man responded, “Your female has yet to even acknowledge that she’s yours, Vuvim. What do you think you’ll accomplish, waiting out here in the—” he cut himself off abruptly, and then muttered, “What the hell?”

I thought I saw movement in the trees above me, but before I could call out to Remmo, a massive basilisk had me wrapped up tightly, trapped completely in his warm scales.

His smell was intoxicating.

I didn’t let him know that, though, as he squeezed me.

“Can’t breathe,” I hissed.

He hissed back, and wrapped tighter.

Something told me this was payback for putting stone walls between us for a week, and I didn’t hate it.

Not at all.

After a few minutes, his grip finally loosened, and then he was both unwinding and shifting forms. My face met a warm, hard chest a moment later, and a set of gigantic arms held me fiercely.

I went up on my tiptoes so I could bury my face against him, and he lifted me up off the ground to make it easier for me.

My eyes stung as I nuzzled up against his neck.

I’d been trying not to miss him—and failing miserably.

“Why do I smell your tears?” He practically growled the words at me. “Are you hurt?”

“No.” I batted my eyes, trying to get rid of the damn evidence.

“Iloli.” His chest rumbled unhappily.

“I just missed you,” I said with a sigh. “I tried not to.”
