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“We share the pillow, then,” he said, as he reached the same conclusion I had.

“Alright. Don’t feel bad if you accidentally touch me during the night, either. If we’re sharing a pillow, it’s bound to happen.”

He said nothing to that, but we both scooted to the center of the bed, facing away from each other.

My ass met his lower back, and he froze.

I closed my eyes and made my breathing level out slowly, as if I was falling asleep, even though every inch of me was wide awake.

The circumstances in which I was forced to learn that skill were unfortunate ones, but I wouldn’t let those bad memories cloud these moments with a man I trusted and liked.

Unlike mine, his breathing wasn’t level.

He moved slightly, rolling to his back and putting a bit more space between us.


A few minutes passed before he let out a long, slow breath.

A fewmoreminutes passed before I heard fabric rustle.

His weight left the bed a moment later, and I didn’t hear a damn thing as I watched him slip up and out of the tree silently.

I gave him a minute before channeling my innerVuvimand shifting myself, sliding up and out the same way he had.

My head peeked out through the exit, my eyes scanning the trees—and then stopping with my head tilted completely back, staring up at the man a handful of branches above me.

He was completely naked, one hand pressed to the smooth bark of the tree, and the other stroking his cock.

My mouth dried.

I think my body almost glitched out and shut down.

He was silent, but his head tilted back and his chest rose and fell rapidly. His strokes grew harder and faster, until the wind carried his low groan to me as he lost himself to the release, and I knew I had to move.

I was back in bed faster than I’d realized I could get there, in the same exact position I’d occupied before I followed him up.

My breathing was even, despite my racing heart, and I forced even that damn disobedient organ to calm as I waited for Remmo to return.

A few minutes later, his weight shifted the bed silently. His body rolled toward mine, until his front was spooning my back lightly—just barely touching me.

His skin was even warmer than usual, and I itched to ask him what he was picturing when he was in the trees. To make sure that when he’d stroked himself, he’d done so to the mental image of me.

But I stayed silent.

And a few minutes later, his breathing leveled out. In his sleep, he rolled closer to me, pressing a covered, still-hard cock to my ass as he cradled me against him.

Eventually, my racing thoughts calmed, and I fell asleep with his body pressed to mine.

When I woke up,we were in exactly the same position we fell asleep in. Remmo’s chest was still rising and falling steadily, and I felt more well-rested than I had in ages.

Probably because I went from living in a cave, to hiding out with the female fae, and was now accepting my connection to Remmo at least a little bit.

I needed to pee, so I carefully rolled away from the basilisk.

He remained where he was, his breathing still steady. He’d never slept that soundly when we were in the forest or in the cave together, so I was kind of surprised that he didn’t move.

Maybe he was just comfortable.
